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Paid To Chat... Is It Worth It?


New Member
Would you deem paid to chat sites worth your time and effort? They are an excellent place to get referrals as everyone is interested in trying to earn money online. However, over on which is a paid chat room, I will have to write 10,000 lines before I am able to cashout $1. There are also less sites like this now but they are still around!
This is the very first time I'm hearing of such a thing. What are these chat rooms about? I mean, what do they expect us to write in them? I must admit, when I first read your post, my first reaction was that there's something shady about this scheme. Besides, 10,000 lines is a LOT and you get only 1$ for it?
I don't think those regulations are worth it. 10,000 for a dollar is very low! You might as well just write your own content online, and generate traffic. Even 1 cent per hit would be better than 10,000 lines per one dollar. I think those rates are ludicrous, and I don't think I would even bother with it.
I have also never heard of this, and by what you say I would not waste my time on it, it is nice to see so many different ways of making money though.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! You are better off just writing a 500 word article and getting paid anywhere between $2-$5
Find plenty of writing jobs on sites like Elance, oDesk, and iWriter which will pay you way more for your time. And always when you get into anything be sure and figure your ROI.
This is the first time I'm hearing of these sites. However, from what you say, they are definitely not worth it - all the work just for a buck! You might as well waste time clicking on PTC sites! 10,000 lines is too much, even if every line consists of just one word.
There are much better ways to spend your time making money. You should personally view your time as more valuable them a dollar or two an hour.

The great thing about an online business when you set it up is how you can leverage the work you do. For example...

You can turn a well written article into a video, powerpoint, podcast, facebook post, twitter post, and so on. Then you drive all that traffic to your site which will in return make you money.

As for selling your services, you can go to Fiverr and do 5 dollar jobs very fast. Some people easily make 30 or more dollars a day on there spending just an hour or two.
I have been registered at Fiverr site but have not found luck yet, may be I have not been positive about that site hence that's the reason why I don't feel it is taking me anywhere. Well I think anything our services and efforts should be counted, chatting for fun or some sensible talk is earning you some money and if you are happy with it then go ahead with that scheme, however, I would always find better ways to earn money.
I have never heard of that website or chat room either. That seems like alot of time and effort for the money. Like some one else said you are probably better off just writing a 500 word article. You'd get paid alot more.
I never heard of this site before and its not even operational yet. Mind explaining it a little bit more please?
Hey DMang17 are you talking about the Fiverr site or something is where you can sell your services for $5 and many people buy services depending on whether it is writing, translating, SEO management etc.
i don't know any prjects of such kind that are legit and worth it. There are enough other ways to make money so I would pas anything like that.
worth it if you have alot of time and all you do is sit in front of a computer 24 hours a day chatting to people, that's if you want to make SOME money out of them.

It's easy for them because they save money on advertising their site and people will refer their friends to it because they get paid money, it's pretty genius whoever thought of it!
That just seems like a rip off to me. It reminds me of those paid to captcha sites. Enter over 1000 capatchas for 0.50 or some crap like that. Don't waste your time. They want you to put out maximum effort for little to no gain.
Would you deem paid to chat sites worth your time and effort? They are an excellent place to get referrals as everyone is interested in trying to earn money online. However, over on which is a paid chat room, I will have to write 10,000 lines before I am able to cashout $1. There are also less sites like this now but they are still around!

I agree with what others have said. Getting only $1 for 10,000 lines is not worth your time and energy. A quick glance in this section of the forum reveals better, faster and less labor intensive ways to make money online.

But you did make a point that hasn't been discussed here. You mentioned the possibility of getting referrals. If you were to do the paid chat room primarily for that purpose and you saw measurable results in the programs for which you're seeking the referrals, it might be worthwhile from that standpoint.

I would still be very mindful of your time, however.
I agree with what others have said. Getting only $1 for 10,000 lines is not worth your time and energy. A quick glance in this section of the forum reveals better, faster and less labor intensive ways to make money online.

But you did make a point that hasn't been discussed here. You mentioned the possibility of getting referrals. If you were to do the paid chat room primarily for that purpose and you saw measurable results in the programs for which you're seeking the referrals, it might be worthwhile from that standpoint.

I would still be very mindful of your time, however.

Yes I mainly just do it once a week and try and get as many referrals as I can! Is quite funny that a few years ago I used to spend whole days on there for just a couple of dollars at the end of the day! Thanks for your reply anyhow :).