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Niche question


New Member
Without revealing what niche I am considering, when I run a search in Google keywords tool for a keyword I get results of global monthly searches of 5,000,000 and local monthly searches of 2,240,000 and competition is low. That's using the united states as a location.

Now when I run it as "all countries" my results are 5,000,000 global monthly and 5,000,000 local monthly and the competition is low.

I am not sure how to interpret these numbers, is this good???

Hi Linda and thanks for this great info.
Here are the results of my keyword phrase:

Key phrase = 9,060,000
"Key phrase" = 141,000
allintitle: "Key phrase" = 140

Can you tell if these are good numbers?


Also I am confused that when I enter this 3 word phrase on the Google Key word tool it comes up with no global or local searches, however it comes back with many searches when combined with other words. Not sure what this means???

Thanks again,
Haven't done this kind of research for a long time. But that is SUPer low competition which makes me assumes it's not good niche. ANYthing that makes money has a ton more competition than that and if the tool doesn't show you anything then that tells me something is off.

But it's so hard without knowing the keywords.

Can you come up with something similar yet different enough not to give away your niche? To give us a better idea? Otherwise I'm totally shooting in the dark.
It has to do with health and pre diabetes. I think it may be a good niche and is something that affects many people. Does that help?
Well that didn't really help that gave me idea of your niche but not the Type of keywords. Was looking more for a similar phrase. So if your keyword was large green widgets you could tell us little yellow gadgets. You know? Give us a better idea of the TYPE of phrase.

But you can email me and I'll keep it private then answer generically so it helps others.

But one thing to do if you have not yet, is enter it in Google and see if any Adwords ads come up and if they look profitable. No or few ads or only ads for prescription drugs or something you could never sell, then that all tells you something as well.
Without revealing what niche I am considering, when I run a search in Google keywords tool for a keyword I get results of global monthly searches of 5,000,000 and local monthly searches of 2,240,000 and competition is low. That's using the united states as a location.

Now when I run it as "all countries" my results are 5,000,000 global monthly and 5,000,000 local monthly and the competition is low.

I am not sure how to interpret these numbers, is this good???


Hi Joe. Wow, tricky question.

When you talk about 5,000,000 results, are you talking about broad results? Those are much different from exact match results. What you want to focus on are exact match results. If I rank on the first page for a term with more than 50,000 exact results, then that's a good score. Never ranked for something with 5,000,000 results.

And competition. That means the amount of competition for the Adwords advertisers for the ad spot. That has nothing to do with the actual competition for the keyword in SERPS.

So unless you can be more specific, it's hard to offer much more advice. If you PM me, I would be more than happy to help you out. I'm sure Linda would also. I just remember what it's like to be a newbie.

Hell, I still am a newbie. :D
Also I am confused that when I enter this 3 word phrase on the Google Key word tool it comes up with no global or local searches, however it comes back with many searches when combined with other words. Not sure what this means???

Thanks again,

You are most likely looking at Broad match instead of Exact match. You need to look at Exact to get a clearer idea of what the searches truly are.

If you enter the 3 word phrase itself and get 0 global or local searches than your keyword has few if any searches.

In addition, allintitle:"keyword phrase" gives you a "feel" but your true competition is what is in the top 10 results when you look in Google. You need to evaluate those sites.

For picking the niche you also want to focus on "buying keywords".

You may want to learn a little more about keyword research before jumping in, it will save you a lot of time.
One last piece of advice Joe.

Never click on a forum signature link...EVER!

They're almost always newbie traps. If the info was that useful, then people would keep it to themselves.

But all the best to you my friend. :)
One last piece of advice Joe.

Never click on a forum signature link...EVER!

They're almost always newbie traps. If the info was that useful, then people would keep it to themselves.

But all the best to you my friend. :)

Sounds like you had a bad experience.

Not all forum signatures are "newbie traps". There are people who do share useful information.

---------- Post added at 09:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

I thought that that was a good way to get backlinks and increase SEO ???

Forum signature links can be used to get backlinks. Just keep in mind that you want diversity in your backlinking campaign.
I thought that that was a good way to get backlinks and increase SEO ???

Let me alter my previous statement a bit Joe. Not all signature links are bad. I just got a little upset because I was over at the Warrior Forum and saw some links in sigs that really upset me. And they were aimed at newbies; to waste both your time and your money.

What's funny is that today WF just made all sig links paid again. LMFAO...

But I still am on some email lists where I get links to junk sent to me everyday. I have recently unsubscribed to them all. While some of them may be good tools, the 10 minutes I waste to check out each of them eats into my work schedule. And it is no longer worth it.

And yes, you can use forums to get backlinks to your sites. But I have never done that. And I don't believe sig links carry very much value. Additionally, when people post just to get backlinks to their sites, they post crap. It's just that simple.

So I'm not totally against sig links. I just think you should put something useful in them. If it's an affiliate link, that's fine by me. Just make it useful.

Maybe I'll put something in my 5 Star sig line one day. Just let me assure you, it will be useful.

Best wishes Joe,


---------- Post added at 11:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 PM ----------

Sounds like you had a bad experience.

Nope, I avoided all that scammy crap and now have a full time IM business.

Forum signature links can be used to get backlinks. Just keep in mind that you want diversity in your backlinking campaign.

So what are you telling me? Are you going to tell us how to make $12,001.52 with ONE article? If you can do that, why not start a thread about it?

This is garbage. If I get penalized for saying this, I don't care. A scam is a scam...
So what are you telling me? Are you going to tell us how to make $12,001.52 with ONE article? If you can do that, why not start a thread about it?

This is garbage. If I get penalized for saying this, I don't care. A scam is a scam...

You are way off base here.

I started writing on the internet and doing affiliate marketing and Adsense publishing some years ago. I make a full time living online.

Over time, I have refined my method to select the right keywords and drive targeted traffic to them. Each month I earn thousands of dollars from my content. This is not a get rich quick scheme - this is a scalable business.

On one of the forums I am on I could see a need to help others learn to pick topics and drive traffic. So I originally worked on a free product to give to those members.

One thing led to another and it kept getting bigger. I had a lot of time invested in it and decided to turn it into a full product which I did. A great product at an affordable price.

I have gotten tremendously positive feedback on it.

As for starting a thread on it, the depth of this product far exceeds a thread and you don't put spreadsheets which are a key to my method in a thread.

You are way out of line to criticize and call a product a scam, you have not even looked at.

---------- Post added at 08:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 AM ----------

What's funny is that today WF just made all sig links paid again. LMFAO...

Where did you see this? Or is this another assumption you have made?
So what are you telling me? Are you going to tell us how to make $12,001.52 with ONE article? If you can do that, why not start a thread about it?

This is garbage. If I get penalized for saying this, I don't care. A scam is a scam...

You seem to have lots of anger about this. I get it!

However your anger at Fitgal is TOTALLY misdirected.
She's not one of "those" marketers.
She's a well respected member of this forum who shares VERY helpful info all the time.

Vent in general but DO NOT DISRESPECT A TRUSTED 5 Star MEMBER!

I also don't see anything about paid sigs at WF and mine is still live. I think you are confused.
There is an option to pay for an IMAGE ad in your sig. Different issue!
Linda and Fitgal, you are both 100% correct.

What you have seen the past couple days is not representative of how I really am. I am not able to provide additional details due to medical and possibly legal issues.

But I really do hope you accept my heartfelt apology.


I'm sorry I hijacked your thread. The offer for personalized help still stands. Though I'm kind of a nut job right now, I'm pretty good at IM.


Your Article Traffic Jackpot link is producing a 404.
Linda and Fitgal, you are both 100% correct.

But I really do hope you accept my heartfelt apology.


Your Article Traffic Jackpot link is producing a 404.

Apology accepted. I really worked hard on this product. And stand behind it 100%.

One of the first rules of marketing is always check your links, and this link was working. I changed the title at WF maybe that caused an issue.

Anyway, it is back to working now. Also you can go directly to the website of the same name.
Apology accepted. I really worked hard on this product. And stand behind it 100%.

One of the first rules of marketing is always check your links, and this link was working. I changed the title at WF maybe that caused an issue.

Anyway, it is back to working now. Also you can go directly to the website of the same name.

Thanks for accepting my apology FitGal, I really appreciate it. It really was nothing personal, you didn't even say anything that I disagreed with. The only thing I can say that is important is that this is out of character for me.

But I would like to reiterate my apology one more time, I am really sorry. :(

@Joe-sorry again for hijacking your thread. I didn't realize that the niche you are looking at is so closely related to mine. So I'll have to retract my offer for any personalized help as it would be a conflict of interest.

But I'm sure that if stick around here, you will learn all you need to know.

Best wishes. :)