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Hi Everyone,

Tom from JB Enterprises. We are new to Internet Marketing. I have been given the gigantic task to make it a success. I will be looking for all the help I can get.
Welcome to 5 Star, Tom.

If you are new to internet marketing, the first thing you should do is probably go to our Newbie Affiliate Forum and read as much there as you possibly can. Pay special attention to the "Sticky" posts. Here is a link to the Newbie Affiliate Forum

This is a very friendly community and our members are very helpful. We will give you plenty of help. All you need to do is ask questions.

We will do as much as we can to help make your gigantic task a little easier.
Hey Tom,

Welcome to 5 Star. What type of Internet marketing are you in charge of?
Are you looking to start an affiliate program, become an affiliate or do search marketing or other type of online marketing?