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Newbie Qs - Forums Spiders and Anchor Links


New Member
Im new, as in very first time, but I have a few questions. It says you cant promot your website on forums but almost everyone has them. Also what does "spidering" mean? Lastlyhow do you have a word typed in yor message with it linked to a website?

Danny Babb
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Hi Gabby,

I moved your post into a thread of it's own because your questions were buried in a long thread on a different subject.

"It says you cant promot your website on forums but almost everyone has them."

They mean promote your site on OTHER peoples forums. If you had a pet products site you could join 5 pet forums and have a link to your site in your signature OR if they have a section that allows ads, post one there.

"Also what does "spidering" mean?"

Search engine spiders "crawl" your site reading your text and they use the info they find to list your site in the search engines for whatever keywords the page focuses on. So if your site is about green widgets and someone is searching for green widgets they could have a chance of finding your site that way.

Lastlyhow do you have a word typed in yor message with it linked to a website?

The technical term is having "anchor text" in the link. In forums it's a little different but a regular html link is formatted like this:

<a href="">Click here for the best Green Widgets</a>

Would look like: <a href="">Click here for the best Green Widgets</a>

So you would just replace with your site
and the words between the >brackets< with your text.
well also for signatures I did not think you could use html so instead you would use bbcode and would look like this

 (url = ) word (/url)

just make sure you use braces: [ ] insead of parenthesis ( ) as I had to use those in order for you to see the code haha
Thanks oracleofmist!

You had a couple spaces in there too, probably to make it work. I use the php code feature in the rich editor. Then it will display right. So here it is. A keyword link in BB code (forum language).


"how do you have a word typed in yor message with it linked to a website?"

Keep in mind most forums won't let you post affiliate links IN your message, only in your signature and some don't even allow that.