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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Newbie here

Hey Samuel!

There is no easy way to get profitable in affiliate marketing, as there is no secret receipt that you could use to get rich. If you are interested in earning with AM, you need to be ready to learn and dedicate lots of time to this. You can get traffic by purchasing it on adnetworks and social media, for example, or try to get it for free elsewhere.

We've posted an article some time ago here, explaining generally what is all the structure about, check it out :)
Hello Samuel, your question is similar to the question "How do I get rich?". There are a million ways to become rich (depending on what the definition of rich is for you), but it all comes down on your own effort. I am a beginner in this field too, but my background in advertising already taught me that nothing comes for FREE. If you don't move forward, your wallet won't move forward either.

How much time are you willing to invest? How much money can you spend? And there are more factors that influence the result of being on the right or wrong path of financial wealth. I am currently still on the knowledge path, but it sure gave me already a better insight in how everything works just by reading a lot. This online library within Affiliatefix is valuable because of the reallife stories.

I would suggest reading the FAQ and Helpfiles of this forum and the suggestions of all EXPERTS. As there's no real RIGHT or WRONG. I hope you'll eventually find your way and own strategy to make your Cashmachine work.
hello @samuel grant , don't want to 'motivate' or share 'knowledge' what you know already. Just want to say this ... the key / secret of success is only 2 things. Reading and Running....

Why reading you may ask... affiliatefix covered everything you need to know..
Why running the moment you get satisfied that's the time you have to push yourself to read more...

So you just mark the distance - keep it going...

Don't forget to share the experience on the way..
Hello samuel grant. Welcome to AffiliateFix Forum. Like Mobidea said, there are no shortcuts. You need to work hard to make it through.

To get yourself started go through all the guides posted on this forum, all the case studies and all the journals and success stories. That will give you some kind of motivation how people have started from zero here and is still growing.

Check these forums:-
What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE)
Follow Alongs and Online Journeys
Guides, Case Studies and Tutorials
Success Stories and Bragging

If you have any queries, don't forget to ask it here Newbie Helpdesk

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
i don't have money to buy traffic is there anywhere i can go to get free traffic?

Hey Samuel,

There are many free traffic source for you to promote the offers at, although it does not mean that you won't have to spend money for something else. You can try to discover more on SEO, social media, email marketing. Anyway, to be able to get a lot of traffic you need content, either you find it or create by yourself :)
I am from the Caribbean and want to get a foot hold in the affiliate program,what is the best and easiest way to make a few bucks? How do I get traffic?

Welcome to AffiliateFix @samuel grant !

I suggest you save up some money to buy traffic. You cannot target free traffic and you cannot successfully track free traffic very well. Paid traffic offers both. It's the quickest and easiest way to earn online. Free traffic is a crap shoot and takes months upon months to develop.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.
