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Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

New new new!:)


New Member
Well I am new to this Forum and also to Affiliate Marketing which is what I am going to be doing. I got started with My Online Income System. They have been helpful so far but also want to get advice from people which is why I'm here! I hope to get to know some of you and that people aren't afraid to help because I have lots of questions!:p
Welcome to 5 Star, dearly09.

Thanks for joining.

Because you are new to affiliate marketing, the best place for you to start is our Newbie Affiliate Forum. Read as much there as you possibly can. Pay special attention to the "Sticky" thread. They contains lots of very helpful information

You will find that you will get useful information here without anyone trying to sell you anything or trying to get you to visit our site. We don't allow any of that.

Our members are very friendly and helpful. We love to help people and answer questions. So ask questions in the appropriate forum whenever you have any. We are here to help you.