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Negative experience with ad networks


New Member
Hi everyone! I found an interesting article How to prevent stealing your income by an ad network covering the problem of how ad networks cheat webmasters to increase their income. The article says that some ad networks like to carry out additional manipulations on websites like aggressive advertising settings, using multi-format or even intentionally shaving part of the traffic that comes from one IP address to increase CPM. The worst thing is that webmasters have no idea about real settings and ad networks use websites for their own gain. Has anyone had a negative experience when ad networks cheated you? And how did you detect cheating ad network?
***selling website traffic
I read that link, if you sell your traffic you are selling 20% to 60% clickbots in many cases too.
You have your own stats for your websites and can estimate what a fair count is.
EPV (earnings per visitor) would be your best mediator of fact I would think.

Webmasters that are the source of an ad network's traffic inventory that they sell to you, the ad buyer, are a greater source of the fraud maybe. But as a seller, passing the trash traffic the ad network gets scammed with, makes that ad network guilty as being an accomplice of the 'crime'.

A responsible seller removes goods that are 'past their freshness date', tainted or recalled from his shelves for sale to the public. Ad networks have the same responsibility. The problem with this is that the ad seller's (network's) price has to go up if they filter out the garbage that they pay for.

However, there is no right of 'holder in due course' for payment due in selling advertising. The seller is legally responsible in a court of law under the UCC in the US. In some countries you have little recourse legally.

I just funded a new ad network's account of mine today with $100 for a test. They are a premium network with rather high prices, but if the traffic is genuine and filtered properly, the price is a minor issue if their traffic converts. EPC is all that matters really when measuring your traffic or sponsor's deals/or offers. All of nothing is always nothing ;)
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yes i heard that can happen , though from my experience usually it because of high competition between ad network and prices also publishers demand
nevertheless this kind of act is not justified at any way, i have an account manager from admaven who i tested a few times after this issue like you said happen to me in the past
i found out that he is legit and honest ( made multiple checks ) though revenue was a bit lower i kept working with him since he is trustworthy with is the most important thing for me, i can recommend him to you if you would like
Thank for the input --I made a small test deposit at Ad-Maven last week ;)
I am the offer so my margin is good -- good quality traffic is the real issue ...