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Need a good Income!


New Member
Im not looking to get rich quick or anything like that. I know enough to know that it takes a little hard work to keep things going. Im looking for a few affiliate programs that will help me have a good income. The ones I've used lately have had little or none in the way of money. So Im moving on, just wanted to know if any of you out there may have some sujestions on what affiliate programs work. I've used click bank,forex affiliate and a few others that I havnt seen posted here. Could you guys help out a stay at home mom?
Choosing the "right" affiliate program is not necessarily the key here. There are other factors to consider, such as: your presentation of the affiliate product, your marketing strategy and the type of visitors you attract to your affiliate product. If you are not attracting visitors that are interested in what you are offering, you are not likely to make the sale. Likewise, if your not marketing to your target audience, you also are not likely to make the sale. Hope that helps.
Great answer lambert22, you said a lot of what I was coming to say.

Affiliate marketing is like a big puzzle and all the pieces need to fit. Even if someone tells you Xyz program is hot - it does not mean YOU will make any money with it. The reason for failure is not usually program selection it's the niche selection and marketing strategy that fails.

If you are just chasing "the right" program but don't have the right site for it and don't know how to build laser targeted traffic for it you still won't make any money.

So let me ask you some Qs.

Have you done thorough niche research and picked a GOOD (not super competitive for starters) niche?

Have you built a site for that niche?

How are you driving traffic to the site?

Also, expired domain names can be great for bringing in your targeted traffic. You can purchase expired domain names that are already looking for something having to do with your affiliate and redirect that traffic to your site :)
Linda and Lambert22 are both right - successful affiliate marketing is a puzzle that you have to make all the pieces fit together. Niche, presentation, conversion rates, etc. all have there place in the overall tapestry of success.

But, my experience (five years and now 'working', if you can call it that, out of the comfort of my home office) shows me that there are a few vital components that are even more important than them.

What I've found is a constant reminder of the genus of one of my mentors, the late Jim Rohn, when he said "Become an expert on the basics before you seek the exotic'

The basics are these:

1) Your dream. Your EMOTIONAL dream.

2) Setting realistic goals. Again, see how at my training blog.

3) Your COMMITMENT to those goals. Another of my mentors, an multimillionaire, put it this way. "Allan, your commitment to your strategy is more important than the strategy itself"

4) Utilizing modern programs that are known as multi-tier (not MLM) affiliate programs and feature lifetime tagging by IP address and commissions on all the resulting follow-on sales, and very high front end commissions (often 100% commissions and, in one of the programs I promote, 100% up front and back end sales commissions totaling over 200%)

There is absolutely no point in having all the complex parts of the affiliate marketing puzzle in place it you can't make money from it.

With a high front end it's easy to find out about the niche, conversions rates etc etc. You simply throw some paid traffic at it. As little as 1000 clicks will tell you all you need to know.

With a winner in hand you can continue to keep it simple. You can even send your paid or unpaid traffic directly to the vendors sales page thereby bypassing all the complexities of site design, hosting and SEO to get it ranking.
Like Linda and others have answered. If you don't have the right marketing funnel in place or cannot optimize your site, then no program will work for you but if the puzzle pieces are all in place, you can sell a ketchup Popsicle to a Tibetan monk.
