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Name 5 TOP things to be a Good Affiliate Manager

Affiliates have to feel like they can reach you when their is a problem
Affiliates have to feel like they have your attention and their best interest
Affiliates have to feel like you have answers to their problems
Affiliates have to feel safe that you're concerned about their business
Affiliates have to feel like you have more answers than they have questions

I still had complaints, but not about my service, I got more of, "What the hell are you doing in the office on a sunday?"
Since we can access most everything remotely, there is not a reason anything important should wait till monday to at least get a "I will be on it first thing in the morning" to the affiliates.
It's those things they will remember when they are building a new traffic source and have to make a decision on who or what to promote
Communication is key....

Recently a number of affiliate companies went down. I don't know the details but I guess they all use the same operating system? It was several days before I got a general email from one of them telling me why the site was down! By that time I had written them but I thought at first my account was disabled for some reason or another. Why were affiliates not kept in the loop? Communication is business 101!
I want truthful information. How many cancel or get refunds, whats the sites average conversion rate. It is not to get in their business, but their business is my business if i am going to promote a company or product.

I need as much info about the demographics of their customers so that I can have the right copy in the correct format.

Notification of sales, events and other promotional offerings a couple of weeks before it happens so that I can gear up for it also.

All of this info helps me and the merchant get the highest conversion rates with the least amount of returns. It is a win/win/win this way. I make money, the merchant makes money and we put the right product in the right customers hands. This makes for worry free business and an above average satisfaction rating from the customer.

Don't sell dragsters to people who need a Volkswagen, they will find whats right for them, and I doubt you get a second shot at a long term customer and years of positive word of mouth.

Help us to help everybody win and you win by default.