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My own internet marketing diary


Hello everyone. I guess some of the members know me and I've been asking them a couple of questions that I've been interested in to know the answers. I was askin which web platform to use blogspot or wordpress, and things like that. But then... as you know, I am Graphic Designer as well, and got a really big amout of work to do... and left the CPA earnings a bit....

Now I started again... a week ago, but im not registering much earnings... I have clicks and 8 conversions... that made me 11 bucks. Here is what I do.

The Main goal is: 100$ in 30 days. 7 passed, 23 left to go.

Tools that I will, and Im using:

- CPA Blaster for uploading videos on YouTube
- Video Spin Blaster for making and spinning already-downloaded videos.
- ShareYoutubeVideos for making views on the videos I upload, I use YouLikeHits and AddMeFast too, for views and likes.
- YouTube Downloader for downloading and cutting videos.

CPA Company Im with is PeerFly

Methods that I will cover:

- YouTube Marketing - Means Free traffic
- Direct Linking with Blogspot meta-redirect to the offer
- Sometimes PPC with Cupouns for AdCenter Im getting from Macedonian forum
- Whatever other that you will suggest me. I don't have budget - so free will be best to suggest me :D

In the past seven days, I was promoting e-mail/zip offers and I plan to keep that. I have made 11 dollars and I have 89 to go.
Here is 19:10 oclock... and now I will be uploading videos with CPA Blaster and add some views/likes to the videos. I've watched a couple of videos on youtube, and seems Opera browser has an option to reload the page every *amount* of secconds. I think Im going to download opera to make some views.
After that, Will StumbleUpon the videos and Reddit them :D

I know here are the best CPA publishers who are and have been working with Peerfly and YouTube Video Marketing so, Im open to suggestions, Ideas and everything else.

Wish me luck.
I am made my first dollar too with youtube.
Are you doing quantity over quality?
Are you targeting some keywords in uploading videos or letting the uploader to do it for you?
Well, thanks for the great wishes :)

@ raymond0021
I replyed back.

First I upload the video with great amount of keywords found from the google keyword tool, low competition but with number of monthly searches with a 6 zero's behind the main number :D

Im promoting offers mostly like GiftCards and Give aways.

Im trying my best... and 8 conv with 160 clicks.. promoting about 6-7 offers... uploading videos massive ! With MassVideoBlaster and CPA Blaster.
Day 8

Oh man... I do not get clicks at all... and I want conv... Im still using the YouTube marketing.
In the past few days I made videos, and uploaded them on seperate accounts, then I used MassVideoBlaster to upload them in massive number. I pinged them, reddit them and stumbleupon them... Still nothing.
If someone can suggest a free traffic method, just write it, it doesn't bite :D
Why don't you just shorten your affiliate urls?

I'm afraid, your Opera technique won't work. It's a numbers game. So keep uploading until one goes viral.
How low is the competition your targeting man?
if that keyword had a 6 zero behind it, then it is "in my opinion" not a low competition keyword.
Are you targeting exact match keyword?
Ill have to side with CPA pro. There are methods in place to prevent fake views which defeats the whole thing when they are not real views from real people for real good content/videos. Be creative and make your videos until one like Pro said "goes viral" you will get the traffic your looking for..then wash and repeat. it truly is a numbers game. When I was in sales it was all about the math..and it still is. More sales technique is about forming great relationships and letting other bird-dog for you, but it is still the same principle. I find it odd how some of the oddest videos go viral. I would recommend always having your camera on you/smart phone to capture something that can go viral, or make your own synthetic videos. Many people are looking for instructional or simple 2 minute answers to things. YouTube is number 2 search engine last i checked...might have changed
Hey Guys thanks for commenting and reading my diary... Currently im not promoting the offers as I promoted when the summer was and we were on holiday. Im going to school and I dont have so much time to spend on the CPA promoting, but Im still doing it. I also have design work to do, so I gotta settle up my time :D

The past week I was busy by buying books and notebooks and all that *stuff* for school and I didnt had time to promote, but without promoting, the autopilot i created with a bunch of offers from PeerFly made me some conversions... I got 5 conversions in one week without promoting. Without work i managed to make 5,60$
I know its not a lot but, this is my first time do something like this, all the time i've been earning money online with designing *things*.
I will be able to promote more when the exams end...
I have 16,40$ and 93,60$ left to make... :D
Its gonna be tough :D
Yes, definitely shorten your links, no one likes to click obvious affiliate links so that is an easy win, also a great trick with youtube is to leverage the traffic of other videos by posting your own as video responses to related videos. This can be easily done using google, just go to a google search and enter the following; keyword "video responses" and replace 'keyword' with you own chosen keywords for the niche, the search will then return videos that have been tagged with your keywords that allow video responses, then just go to each and post a video response with your own videos. If they are getting high traffic, some of it will siphon over to yours. Hope this helps you out, good luck and keep us posted
Thank you very much for the tip ! Im having busy days in school, so i dont have much time to pay attention on CPA ... :D but willl post updates soon !
Yo mates ! Hows going ? Sorry for post under post without any post posted after the #18 post :D

On Sunday I downloaded video for Samsung Galaxy S3, spinned it with Video Spin Blaster, then made a few YouTube accounts and using the previous ones and the new ones, I uploaded the video to all accounts. Then, I pinged them and submited to facebook pages and stumble upon. When I woke up this morning I noticed that i've got 3 conversions and thats good, It made my Moral go up :D Thats it for now... Will update again soon.