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My head is spinning! Help!


New Member
People, the ones of you who already know, could you please just explain to me, a newbie, who has just become unemployed, not unexpectedly, because I knew it was coming, however, I've never really liked working for other people so have spent thousands of dollars over the past years trying to find something, anything-- to get me out of the 8 to 5 HELL called a J.O.B. It's more like a prison sentence with mandatory hard labor attached to it rather than a job. The MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL hardships that come as a part of working in an office cannot even be measured. Hell on Earth! It was killing me softly and slowly, like being fed arsenic over a period of years causing a sure death eventually. Slow death! In being laid off, I was spared that slow death, but I need to get going with something else before I'm forced, if that's even possible in this economy, to have to go back in there.

Very recently, in the past 6 months or so, discovered the "buzz" about internet marketing, or affiliate marketing--whatever it's called. Then in my months of research, I read all I could possible read about this, after getting home from the hell on earth then, finally, paying for memberships in affiliate marketing programs, but I am still no closer to knowing any more today than I did when I first began my search. There's more and better information right here at 5 Star Affiliate's website than anything I've paid for in the past, but I'm still not understanding anything. I'm begging you, anyone, please. Help me to get on the right track. Please.

First: What is the first step, finding a niche or writing an article or building a website. If after an article is written and place somewhere on the internet, what does it accomplish? In other words, How does one make money just by placing an article on ezine or squiddo or any where else? I've read numerous articles on those sites and others too, but just having people read articles doesn't seem to be enough to generate money. How is the money generated after the article is placed on those sites?

Second: What about the products, the pay per clicks, etc? I thought there was a cost to have pay per click ads. other places I've seen people say that the person with the ads get paid for each click through, so I'm very confused about that, the PPC, they call it, costing money each time someone clicked on the link. Which way is it. You pay or the clicker pays per click????

How does clicking make money for the person who's footing the bill each time someone clicks? It's gotten to the point that I no longer click anything on the right side of the google website because I feel that I'm causing the person who has the ads listed there to be charged every time I click one of the links and I don't want to cause them to have to pay just because I clicked on their link, especially if I end up not buying anything after clicking.

Third: Product promoting. Where or how does the product promoting that generates all the money that I hear people talking about play a role in making all the moneyh they say they are making???? I see pictures of the grids or reports of money they say they've made, and it's always a lot of money. Sometimes its copies of checks in large amounts of money that people claim they are making on the internet, as affiliates or articles writers or whatever, but it's a real mystery as to how it's done, and paying for a program that is supposed to show people step by step how to make money in internet marketing doesn't work either. I just ended a membership in the most famous affiliate program of all from what I see here on the internet, the once called the Wealthy Affiliates by Kyle and Carson and I am just as uninformed as I was when I was while using their program for every day until I feared for my health from so many hours on their site without sleep---8 hours or more every night and 15 or more hours on Saturdays and Sundays, every week-end. Mind you, at the time I was still full time employed 9 hours a day while I was doing this. I'm so tired. I feel like a ZOMBIE!

Then I joined that Maverick Money Maker program where the man charges 100.00 a month, and although there is a whole lot of information on his site, I still just don't get it, just don't understand: JUST HOW, IN GOD'S NAME, DO PEOPLE MAKE MONEY JUST BY WRITING AND SUBMITTING ARTICLES AND LEAVING THEM ALL OVER THE INTERNET??????

Call me dumb or anything else. I just don't get it.
The product seller pays a commission to us if we sell his product.

He tracks whether we sell it with an affiliate link.

We put an affiliate link on our website pointing to his product.

We write articles pointing to our website that help with traffic and search engines.

The product seller pays a commission to us if we sell his product.

He tracks whether we sell it with an affiliate link.

We put an affiliate link on our website pointing to his product.

We write articles pointing to our website that help with traffic and search engines.

Thanks. I'll try to continue searching to see what this really means. I know that it's wrong to try to find out what others are doing to make their money, but I had to ask anyway. And I'm really not asking anyone to give me their secrets or share their "key words" or anything that would take away from what they are earning, no secrets or anything like that. I just need some kind of directions and I sure do thank you for your kindness in sharing that information of yours with me.
Thanks. I'll try to continue searching to see what this really means. I know that it's wrong to try to find out what others are doing to make their money, but I had to ask anyway. And I'm really not asking anyone to give me their secrets or share their "key words" or anything that would take away from what they are earning, no secrets or anything like that. I just need some kind of directions and I sure do thank you for your kindness in sharing that information of yours with me.

No need to search for what it means, Rob said exactly what it means. You literaly go to (or where ever else you want to get a product to promote) and get yourself an affilate link.

Now, you can either build yourself a webpage or blog and put up some content about your product you are promoting (what you got your affiliate link for), maybe write a review about it. Then you go and write some articles about it. If you want to find out what to write about, just go to and type in the name of the product you are promoting. You'll see a ton of articles about it most likely. Just read about 10 or 20 of them and you'll get a good feel for what people are writing about and you can write your own articles about it.

In your resource box, you would leave a link to your web page or blog that you built around the the product. Hopefully when people get to your webpage they will click your affiliate link and buy it. Then you get paid.

Of course there are a ton of other strategies that you can use with article marketing, but I don't want to give you to much info and confuse you anymore than you sound like you are already.

Hope that helps
I moved all your questions to a new thread where you will hopefully get more help.

1) Find niche. You don't know what to build site about or write about until you pick your niche.

2) Build a site or start a blog. Start writing articles about your niche to put on your site or blog.

3) Get traffic to your site or blog. One of many methods is article marketing. (The subject of the thread this post was split off from)

Article marketing is only 1 strategy, not everyone does it. 3 Reasons to write articles. a) Articles submitted to the right directories can get high ranking. If you get traffic to the article, some people may click and buy. b) Or some of the traffic may click to go to your main site c) Additionally the links from the articles to your main site, help your main site get better rankings in the search engines.

If you read all the stickies in the newbie forum, then how to pick your 1st niche and how to do niche keyword research in the niche forum you will be able to start figuring out a niche. The steps after that could vary somewhat based on your niche.

So don't worry about how to frame walls and put up a roof yet, because you don't even know what kind of house you want to build yet. 1st work on finding your niche. That's your foundation. Then you can decide what kind of house you want to build and learn the various stages of building it.

Does that help make it more clear?
Thanks. I'll try to continue searching to see what this really means. I know that it's wrong to try to find out what others are doing to make their money, but I had to ask anyway. And I'm really not asking anyone to give me their secrets or share their "key words" or anything that would take away from what they are earning, no secrets or anything like that. I just need some kind of directions and I sure do thank you for your kindness in sharing that information of yours with me.

It is hard starting out and the situation you are in. I have stop working since mid Jan, still looking for my next contract. In the meantime, have been learning more and more about Internet Marketing. Although there is more to learn, nothing beat having a go at it. Learning thru doing is better than learning thru reading. That's what I found. The advice that I can give is to keep trying and trying until you succeed. The mind is a very powerful tool.
I read them every day

No particular secrets there.

Read the newbie forums. Lots of good info.

Thanks for that very enlightening information in your previous post. I'm here every day reading But I still asked questions because that's one tool that has always been effective, asking questions instead of wondering, then having someone who has become expert sharing some of their knowledge. There will come a time when I'll be able to answer questions for someone new, and when that day comes, I'll be more than happy to be able to do so. Not knowing something one needs to know is no fun. I'll be careful in the future regarding asking questions.

This message at the top of the 5 Star Affiliate forum is the reason I ventured to ask my questions: "Newbie Affiliate Forum How to get started and beginner topics. There are no dumb questions. Ask and we'll try to help."

In reading the newbie section and the sticky's as well as information left by forum members, I naturally began to have questions, so I asked. Please believe me when I say that I do a LOT of reading and questions will always arise from reading what's here for us, especially the true newbie.
Thank you

It is hard starting out and the situation you are in. I have stop working since mid Jan, still looking for my next contract. In the meantime, have been learning more and more about Internet Marketing. Although there is more to learn, nothing beat having a go at it. Learning thru doing is better than learning thru reading. That's what I found. The advice that I can give is to keep trying and trying until you succeed. The mind is a very powerful tool.

Thanks for your kindness. That's exactly why I asked the question, so that I can begin to "do." I've been reading, hoping to find out how to begin to "do."

I figured that there were first things to be done first, then the next step, and so on but I just wasn't sure where to begin, but I'll just keep reading until I get better understanding, however, for those of you who were so kind as to stop by and use your valuable time to leave helpful information and words of encouragement, thank you, and much success to you! :)
Thank you

I moved all your questions to a new thread where you will hopefully get more help.

1) Find niche. You don't know what to build site about or write about until you pick your niche.

2) Build a site or start a blog. Start writing articles about your niche to put on your site or blog.

3) Get traffic to your site or blog. One of many methods is article marketing. (The subject of the thread this post was split off from)

Article marketing is only 1 strategy, not everyone does it. 3 Reasons to write articles. a) Articles submitted to the right directories can get high ranking. If you get traffic to the article, some people may click and buy. b) Or some of the traffic may click to go to your main site c) Additionally the links from the articles to your main site, help your main site get better rankings in the search engines.

If you read all the stickies in the newbie forum, then how to pick your 1st niche and how to do niche keyword research in the niche forum you will be able to start figuring out a niche. The steps after that could vary somewhat based on your niche.

So don't worry about how to frame walls and put up a roof yet, because you don't even know what kind of house you want to build yet. 1st work on finding your niche. That's your foundation. Then you can decide what kind of house you want to build and learn the various stages of building it.

Does that help make it more clear?

Yes, Ms Linda, it does. And thank you. I won't ask any more questions before I've read everything here, but to tell the truth, reading those stickies and other articles and comments here on the forum is what caused me to have and ask the questions I did finally ask. I apologize to you and the members.
Thank you

No need to search for what it means, Rob said exactly what it means. You literaly go to (or where ever else you want to get a product to promote) and get yourself an affilate link.

Now, you can either build yourself a webpage or blog and put up some content about your product you are promoting (what you got your affiliate link for), maybe write a review about it. Then you go and write some articles about it. If you want to find out what to write about, just go to and type in the name of the product you are promoting. You'll see a ton of articles about it most likely. Just read about 10 or 20 of them and you'll get a good feel for what people are writing about and you can write your own articles about it.

In your resource box, you would leave a link to your web page or blog that you built around the the product. Hopefully when people get to your webpage they will click your affiliate link and buy it. Then you get paid.

Of course there are a ton of other strategies that you can use with article marketing, but I don't want to give you to much info and confuse you anymore than you sound like you are already.

Hope that helps

Much thanks to you. Your answer was very helpful, and I thank you for your kindness. :eek:

I wish you continued success in your business.
I won't ask any more questions before I've read everything here, but to tell the truth, reading those stickies and other articles and comments here on the forum is what caused me to have and ask the questions I did finally ask. I apologize to you and the members.

No apologies and no need to stop asking questions at all! That's what we are here for. You are trying to read and absorb and have questions as you go along and that's perfectly fine. Trust me when I say you are working hard enough at understanding that I think you are very close to having that ah-ha moment when things start to tie together and make sense.

You GO girl!
No apologies and no need to stop asking questions at all! That's what we are here for. You are trying to read and absorb and have questions as you go along and that's perfectly fine. Trust me when I say you are working hard enough at understanding that I think you are very close to having that ah-ha moment when things start to tie together and make sense.

You GO girl!

Ms Linda, you are so precious. You have a heart of gold. It's obvious you haven't forgotten when you were new! Bless you! I believe in helping others and love to do so, but it's not as easy to ask people for help as it may appear to be. Just because I asked, it doesn't mean I felt good about doing so. I don't want to be a pest. I'm just trying to learn. And I reiterate--I'm not trying to steal anybody's keywords, niche ideas, materials they've spent long hours laboring over, or anything else that would be detrimental to them or which would cause them any loss of income, not even a PENNY!

So GOD bless you for being a caring and sharing lady. MUCH CONTINUED SUCCESS TO YOU IN EVERYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO.
Thanks to everyone who took time to post to my inquiry

I want to thank each person who took precious time from their busy schedules to post helpful answers to my questions. I received some very kind and helpful information and will go from there. Ms Linda, if this site closes obsolete threads, then this thread can be closed. I'll be using the information that was shared to go forward with trying to choose my niche, get a website up, some articles written and placed strategically, and go from there.

I just learned that you're a Californian, and that explains a lot! I went to California when I was 17 years of age, loved it and the people, decided to make it my home, which I did briefly. What I really loved about California was the people. I found the people there to be some of the nicest, friendliest, fun, non-judgmental people I'd ever known.

My heartfelt thanks to you and to the others who were willing to share some of their knowledge with me. God bless you all.