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Most popular search comparison sites in the UK??


Website Owner

I own an ecommerce retail website in the US, but I will like to start advertising my products in the UK.

However, I'm not familiar with what the most popular search comparison sites in the UK are. In the US, the biggest sites are probably PriceGrabber, Bizrate, MySimon, Shopping, DealTime, etc...

Can someone list what they think are some of the most popular search comparison sites in the UK??

Thank you,

Search Rules
This search engine helps you find documents on this website and related sites. Here's how it works: you tell the search service what you're looking for by typing in keywords, phrases, or questions in the search box. The search service responds by giving you a list of all the Web pages in our index relating to those topics. The most relevant content will appear at the top of your results.​
How To Use:

  1. Type your keywords in the search box.
  2. Press the Search button to start your search.
Here's an example:

  1. Press the Search button or press the Enter key.
  2. The Results page will show you numerous pages on the Web about recipes for oatmeal raisin cookies.
Tip: Don't worry if you find a large number of results. In fact, use more than a couple of words when searching. Even though the number of results will be large, the most relevant content will always appear at the top of the result pages.​