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Mobidea Offer Metrics


New Member
I'm having trouble understanding the offers metrics used at @Mobidea .

The top performing offer right now (by revenue) has a CR of 1/279 or 0.35%. That's considerably less than the conversion rate I've seen of some other networks such as CPAGrip where you see some conversion rates as high as 15%. I understand that the two networks differ in nature, with CPAgrip being more content-locking oriented but is the sole reason why conversion rates differ so much?

Also, at first the EPC value didn't add up. I've looked around in the posts in their academy and their EPC indicates revenue per 100 clicks. Is this typical for a network of this kind? Isn't EPC usually revenue per click and not a hundred?

Finally, the revenue indicated for each offer is from the past how many days? Or is the amount indicated the revenue accumulated over the offer's lifetime?

Having on-hover tooltips explaining the metrics would help tremendously!
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Hey @Apedt
I'm not from Mobidea, still I think I can help you with at least two of our concerns.

I understand that the two networks differ in nature, with CPAgrip being more content-locking oriented but is the sole reason why conversion rates differ so much?
It sure is the reason, combined with offer type, traffic type, promotion methods, etc. For mobile marketing 0.35% is considered pretty good CR for many GEOs.

Isn't EPC usually revenue per click and not a hundred?
EPC often means earn per a hundred clicks, not for a click.
There is also an eCPM abbreviation widely used that means earn for a thousand clicks.
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Thanks for your help, @Daria_WapEmpire. That clears it up. For some odd reason, CPAGrip uses the metric incorrectly and EPC indicates the earnings per click.

or some odd reason, CPAGrip uses the metric incorrectly
Well, I would not say they use it incorrectly, actually I used a wrong word. There should be often instead of always. It's indeed too easy to mix it, but now when you know EPC is not always what it seems to be, you are all weaponed ;) The numbers speak themselves, but I believe a tracker can help you to get the same stats terms for any network you work with, whether there are only 2 of 22 of them.