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Manage Fast Traffic to your blog


New Member
So When people start of with your fresh new blog or site. The first question that comes in mind is "How Can I Get Fast Traffic?".

While I have been doing my researching in testing myself and Found great ways to figure this one out. Ok So let start with your blogging site.

Blogging Site: If you are a blogger you must know Writing reviews and Articles are the way to go, Right? While What I figure out is writing reviews are the best ways to receive traffic.

"How do I go about this?" Easy find a brand new hot product that you know will hit the market fast.. and make sure you are one of the first ones to get it, Because you will then be able to talk about the product and review about it.

And after you brought the product yourself. After a couple of days the product been release, Guess what ! you are one of the first bloggers to rank high on many search engines!... (Since there want be that much competition.

So Guys Doing reviews are the best ways to get fast traffic to your website ...
Re: Mange Fast Traffic to your blog


There is fast traffic and then again there is slower high quality traffic? Can you build lists fast and a relationship with them also quickly? Do you want to help others find what they are searching for or do you only want their money to get rich quick?:rolleyes:

Fast lists usually unsubscribe even quickler especially when those who get them only want to sell to them all the time? What benefits will those people get from someone only after their money who doesn't treat them as human beings? Do you like others to treat you that way? I didn't think so.;)

Buld your list fast with an opt in ethical bribe free gift, create a strong relationship with themwith more valuable free information slower, and in the long run you will eventually make far more money than the way you imagine will be so easy? It very rarely is. Good luck to you if you think differently.:)


Stephen & Jennifer.:cool:
It can be a good strategy if you target smaller product releases. All the big product launches have dozens, if not hundreds of people all fighting for top SE positioning.
That's a nice tip , also you can target low competition keywords but make sure its long tail and specific for a user query
This is a good idea, but it all depends on the niche you are targeting. New product releases that are "hot" and "popular" will already have tons of people competing for the same keyword.

The idea of using longer keywords has its pros and cons. While it has very low competition, it also comes with much lower traffic. Not everyone will search for these longer keywords.

Additionally, it is the best to target general keywords and optimize each post with back links, among other things.