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Gold Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Jay Wessman

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I'm doing a bit of a an SEO case study on my blog and I thought it might be useful to some of the people here so I figured I'd also post the details here too.

I’ll be giving you a real life case study where I create a brand new niche website from from scratch, build it up and try to make it profitable… and I’ll be posting every step of the process right here in this thread.

Very few people are willing to reveal their niches and sites as it can result in more competition… but I say “screw it” and will be revealing everything in this case study – the niche, the website, the traffic stats and even the revenue.

I encourage anyone that wants to follow along with me to do so! Just remember that you'll be far better off finding your own untapped niche rather than simply copying mine :p

Anyway enough yammering and lets just jump straight in!

Picking a Profitable Niche...
To find a niche I spent a bit of time browsing through the thousands of items over at Amazon, this is great way to find random products that get a lot of searches with little competition.

After a bit of searching I stumble upon the ‘Wine Aerator’. You pour your wine through them to aerate and bring out the full flavor of a wine.

After doing a quick search in the Google Keyword tool I find that there’s a good number of people searching for 'Wine Aerator':


And after doing a search in Google for ‘Wine Aerator’ I see that there’s very little competition for this term too:


Looks pretty good with less than a million results - I think I’ve found my niche!

Setting up a Site...
First I registered a domain name with my main keyword ‘Wine Aerator’ in it through NameCheap.

The domain I ended up settling on was

I then set up a WordPress blog over on my hosting account:


If you haven’t already got yourself web hosting then I recommend checking out HostGator, it cost less than $10 a month and they have a feature called 'Fantastico' that allows you to install WordPress with just a few clicks. You can use the coupon LAZYCOUPON to get your first month for $0.01.

Choosing a Theme...
Next it’s time to spruce up the site with a good looking WordPress theme.

For this website I’ve decided to use the ShopperPress theme. It’s a paid theme that turns your blog into a great looking online store that’s compatible with affiliate products.

ShopperPress comes with 21 different template variations:


If you're interested in this theme you can get a 40% discount by using the coupon BITSDUJOUR40. If not then a free WordPress theme will do the job just fine.

Adding Products...
It's time to add just few products to the site. I used the Google Keyword Tool to find some good longtail keywords for products to target:


Then I just wrote around 300 words of unique content about each Aerator and added it to the blog along with their Amazon pictures:


Optimizing for the Search Engines...
I then installed the Yoast SEO Plugin to optimize the titles of each product and page it's keyword:


Building Some Links...
Finally I’ve built just a few links to the site just to help it get indexed by the search engines.

The links consisted of two blog comments, two forum signature links and two social bookmarks... easy!

For places to build your links at check out this list of easy to obtain links.

Now that I’ve found a niche, chucked up a website, created some content and built a few links I’ll just leave the website to sit for a bit whilst the Search Engines discover and index it.

You can take a look at the site in action over at Wine Aerator World.

Part two of this case study will be on it's way soon so keep an eye on this thread!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!


Congrats Jay, this is going to be stellar for anyone new to SEO.

Cheers for your generosity. I'm looking forwrd to see how this develops :D
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Great post bro similar to mine in the ebook Newbie 411 - you can obviously also use CPA offers to bank - this is great nice man!

Looking forward to much more from you!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

This is awesome Jay. You have been giving me some great advice on the questions that I have
put up in the forum while setting up my first CPA oriented website. That has really been appreciated.

However this step by step break down makes it so much more real. It takes away a lot of the mystery
that comes from doing something for the first time. I am for sure going to continue to follow up on what
you do here and what happens.

Really great stuff man. Thanks.

Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

thanks, great method, im waiting for second thread, i see high competition in your case, maybe you can tell me how to get traffic from high competition
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Very cool :) This is awesome info, already subscribed to your list. Just a question, you have arround 60 backlinks from what I could tell and a PR of 0 and you are not in the 1st/2nd/3rd page. How do you go from here to kill the competition? Get more backlinks? Because, from what I could tell there is a LOT of competition....

BTW any earnings so far??

Thanks and keep us posted.
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

That's an AWESOME post! As others have said it's good see something step by step. It makes in seem much more achievable and tangible. Good luck!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Thanks for all of the kind words! Here's a quick update.

So I haven't done anything more to this site yet as I'm just letting it sit for a bit but I can already see some of my pages starting to rank for some of the keywords I'm targeting:


And to answer your questions...

thanks, great method, im waiting for second thread, i see high competition in your case, maybe you can tell me how to get traffic from high competition

The "high" competition bar that you're seeing is actually referring to the Google Adwords competition level. So if you were doing PPC (Pay Per Click) then those would be very competitive (and costly) keywords to bid on.

I don't care about the high Adwords competition - just the competition in the organic search results. I'm basing my "low competition" judgement off the small number of other sites that are trying to rank for this term in the search engines.

Just a question, you have arround 60 backlinks from what I could tell and a PR of 0 and you are not in the 1st/2nd/3rd page. How do you go from here to kill the competition? Get more backlinks? Because, from what I could tell there is a LOT of competition....

I've actually only built a handful of links so far. I'll try to move my sites up the ranks by simply continuing to add more content (targeting various keywords) and more backlinks over time.

BTW any earnings so far??

Not yet!
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

Awesome man, so some up exactly what you've done off page for these so far? and what you plan on doing?
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

awesome share for finding keyword and simple SEO tips
thanks dude
Re: Case Study: Making Money With With SEO & Niche Websites!

I am doing SEO for a year but this guide still makes me like a newbie. You rank your site even if it is new?
Thanks for the share. I will follow this,