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Local SEO Question


New Member
I'm doing some SEO for a local business and I am confused with a few things.

1) What keywords should I be targeting initially? I was thinking "location keyword", "keyword location", "keyword zip code", "zip code keyword"

2) If the above keywords are what I should be targeting, how do you work that into your on-site SEO? "Keyword Location" etc... is not very content friendly.

Thanks everyone.
I have a local SEO company too and specialize in Google Places optimization. I've not seen a situation where KW City did not fit in well for on-site optimization. Used in title tag, H1 or H3 and in footer, plus naturally in a couple sentences and images should not be a problem. If it's a local biz, it's normal to have a site focused on KW + city.
Thanks Linda. I'll try that out.

---------- Post added at 05:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:54 PM ----------

P.S. Do you know any resources for Google Places and Local Search optimization?
We have a Google Places forum right here plus I have some of the leading resources for Google Places and local SEO covered below.

Plus my blog: Google Places & Local SEO Blog

Plus my Google Places News Channel: Google Places Optimization News and Tips |

If you want more specific resources like ebooks, how to guides custom training, coaching, ranking and tracking software and I have resources for all that too. Read the Places forum and the other links above and you'll find most of what you need. Anything else ask more specifically and I can point you in the right direction.
For me - the first thing I do ( and I have had a couple clients that wanted local SEO work done) was to make sure I put in the correct keywords w/in the title tag. For an example, a lawyer in Columbus would be title>Lawyer Columbus Ohio</title> {Note: forum software prevents title tags from showing so Linda removed 1st bracket before title}

You would also sprinke in the above KWs into the body of your text (I usually make them bold - but I don't think you have to do that anymore) for bots to catch them and to know you are talking about lawyers from Columbus.

Off-site work would be to put backlinks in business directories such as Yelp and local.Yahoo (AmericanTowns dot com also comes to mind).
Why do you think "keyword location" is not very content friendly? On the contrary, if this is a local company, you must focus on the location... for example, the site title can be "location keyword; for all your keyword needs in location"... just an example...

Get them on google places, yelp, bing... tell them to sign up with the local chamber of commerce (it will be pricey but worth it especially for a local site)
Thanks everyone! This is a great help.

What I meant by not content friendly is that it is difficult to make 'keyword location' sound natural in the body/blog section of the content.

For instance, if my keyword was 'Plumber Jacksonville', it would be difficult to insert that into an article or any type of blog content naturally.

"If you're looking for a plumber jacksonville, call xxx-xxx-xxxx"

It just doesn't look/sound right. See what I mean?

If I used "Plumber IN Jacksonville," that would be a completely different keyword, correct?
Thanks everyone! This is a great help.

What I meant by not content friendly is that it is difficult to make 'keyword location' sound natural in the body/blog section of the content.

For instance, if my keyword was 'Plumber Jacksonville', it would be difficult to insert that into an article or any type of blog content naturally.

"If you're looking for a plumber jacksonville, call xxx-xxx-xxxx"

It just doesn't look/sound right. See what I mean?

If I used "Plumber IN Jacksonville," that would be a completely different keyword, correct?

No. Using a phrase also promotes the individual keywords as JackRT says above. You could also use something like, "In Jacksonville, the best plumber is...", etc.
I did the same for a client here in Orlando, we were having a stuff time until I changed up the content and added links at the footer and Header. I also had to change up the title and made it direct more on local then national, and now he is ranking well