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Larwee Turns ONE - Happy Birthday Party - You're Invited!

WAIT! Before I serve cake....

I'm becoming well known for my silly poems
So why break with tradition??? :p
This one's for you Larry!

ODE to LARWEE (Larry)

A harder worker cant be found
Larry never sleeps and is duty bound
to fight off spam, all the clock round

Mind your forum P?s & Q?s
he will dot your I?s and cross your T?s
and always reminds Linda about forum to-do?s :)

A stickler for details - wants the forum to run smooth
he calms my poor nerves during each server move :p

This poem is corny, as Linda-poems tend to be:D
but it?s written from the heart so he can see
how much he?s appreciated, especially by me!
Ok guys...
This cake didn't quite turn out as purdy as I hoped
but it sure does TASTE good! :p

I wanted to make a cake that was very PERSONAL
and really reflected the unique essense of Larry. :)

Not sure you guys know this, but Larry is a VERY secretive and private person. :cool:
So I couldnt bake a cake that featured his hobbies or anything
because I don't know anything about the guy. :confused: :p

The only thing I know about Larry is he LIVES online at this forum
in a room surrounded by computers, so what other kinda cake could I bake???

<a href="" title="larry"><img src="" width="410" height="264" alt="larry" /></a>​

Happy 1st 5 Star Birthday Larry!
Thanks for all you do!
For your Birthday present
I have a RAISE for you!

Check's in the mail! :p
Great looking cake, Linda.

Yes I am a VERY secretive and private person. However, I've mentioned a few things about myself in this thread. But they are all things that I have said in public before. I'll probably add a few more things about me in this thread, but nothing really big.

This is a very special day for me and much more than I could have ever expected.
Just by looking at my American flag avatar, it should come as no surprise to anyone that I love patriotic music. I've loved it since I was a small child.

I love sports and I like watching sports on television. It is a big thrill when they perform the National Anthem before sporting events. There are times when I know I'm not going to be able to watch a particular sporting event on television and I'll just turn it on for the Star Spangled Banner.

Probably the most famous version of the Star Spangled Banner is the one performed by Whitney Houston at the Super Bowl in 1991.

Since it is my party and I'm doing a few things that I like, I just had to add this to the thread.

Please rise for the singing our National Anthem sung by Grammy Award winner Whitney Houston
YouTube - Whitney Houston Star Spangled Banner
I want to add one more patriotic song.

America The Beautiful is one of my favorite patriotic songs. It is right behind the Star Spangled Banner. By far, the most famous and most loved rendition of American The Beautiful is performed by Ray Charles.

Please honor America as Ray Charles sings America The Beautiful YouTube - America The Beautiful

I finally made it. Had to do some updates on my website first so I'm a little late.

Looks like I missed out on the blowing out the candles on the cake. Is there any cake left? Or maybe a fried spam sandwich perhaps?

I liked the story by purplebear and Linda the cake looks like it turned out great.

I hope you haven't opened all of the presents yet. Just in case I left you one in your inbox Larwee.
A St. Louis tradition

I want to show you something that the area in which I live is known for, then I'll tell my 5 Star story.

Most of you have probably heard about the world famous Budweiser Clydesdales. They are a magnificent site to watch. You know what I mean if you have ever seen them.

Here they are performing before a baseball game at Busch Stadium in St. Louis
YouTube - The Iconic Budweiser Clydesdales Carry on Post-Season Tradit
Well Larry is not QUITE the mystery man he was before.

I bought NetDetective and was able to track down one of his relatives.
Can't say who cuz I'm sworn to silence but man did I hear some STORIES!

He/she gave me a pic of Larry as a boy. :p

RedHat39, thank you for the private message which I have received.

Thanks for joining in the celebration.

There is some cake left and don't get me thinking about fried Spam sandwiches. I love them. Spam right out of the can made into sandwiches with Miracle Whip added. When it comes to fried spam I put ketchup on those sandwiches.

There just might be some more special things going on with the celebration today. There are a lot of hours left.

Yes, that is a funny picture Linda came up with.

You have lots of friends Larry,

Happy 5 star Birthday! - and Linda you are completely awesome for doing this for Larry:)
Thanks Stephen.

I didn't realize how many friends I had here at 5 Star.

I agree with you. This is very nice on the part of Linda.
Thats why I love this forum so much...

I just wish there were more hours in the day so I could hang out here more often and longer.

Thanks Stephen.

I didn't realize how many friends I had here at 5 Star.

I agree with you. This is very nice on the part of Linda.
Awesome! Happy Anniversary, Larwee. :)

I think you should now write a book: A Portrait of the Moderator as a Young Man. Make sure to throw in all the juicy details of working with Linda. ;)

Nice cake maranda! YUMMY!

Thanks all, my new little Grandson is on his way over. Just got in from Portland. So I need to run and get ready to pinch cheeks.

You guys keep on partying!!!
Hi Larry!

HAPPY 1-YEAR at 5 Star!!

Thanks for the very warm welcome you had given me - I'm sure there will be very many additional anniversaries for you at 5-Star in years to come!! :D
My 5 Star Story

Linda had known me online for a good while. I was on the staff of another community where Linda was a member. She wanted me to come join 5 Star and I would become a Super Moderator the moment I joined.

It is a long and complicated story, but I didn't accept her invitation right away. It actually took her several months to talk me into it.

I finally agreed and on July 19, 2006 I joined. It was unusual because I joined as a Super Moderator. About 3 and a half weeks later I was promoted to administrator. The role of an administrator is very different from the role of a moderator, although I still do a lot of moderating.

In my wildest dream I never would have thought I would receive this type of a response a year after coming onboard.

Linda has allowed me to have a lot of influence with 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums. We do agree on most things. However there are some things where we are far apart. We usually find a middle ground. That is good because it helps to come up with something that will be good for the community and keep more members happy.

Neither one of us is in favor of doing things the way other communities do them just to be like them. We are in favor of what we feel is best for this community.

One thing that is very important to both of us is being a place that is helpful to people who are just getting started. These people have high hopes and are often taken advantage of. We want them to know they can come here and get good information without spending any money or without anyone trying to sell them anything.

I can't begin to say enough nice things about Linda. She is a very thoughtful person. She really cares about people. She does everything she can to help people. She doesn't want to see people get hurt.

Both of us have often recommended products, sites or services we honestly felt would be of interest or benefit to members and visitors and we both believe this is something that should never be done for our own personal financial gain. Some of you have read my very strong feelings on this subject. Others might run upon it later since it is here to be read.

I spend most of my time here behind the scene. You still see me posting in public but the behind the scene activity reduces the amount of time I spend making public posts.

I feel that I know so many of you because I read every word of every post. I think that is important in order for me to properly handle my duties. I need to know what is going on in the community and I need to be able to try to understand all of the members.

I have had private message correspondence with an awful lot of you dealing with various problems and questions related to the forums. I like to handle things in private and spend as much time as is needed to get everything resolved.

Linda wants 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums to be as helpful as possible without you being bothered by spammers and people who are less than honest. There are times when we must deal with some rather sneaky people.

The future looks bright for 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums. We have some ideas for a few new things. I can assure you that Linda wants to continue to do everything possible to make all of you feel comfortable and welcome when you are here.

A real special thanks to Linda for throwing this online party for me.

I have enjoyed my year here at 5 Star. It has been a pleasure being associated with Linda. I've enjoyed getting to know so many of you. I thank all of you for you support and very kind words. I look forward to future association with 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums.