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Journey to $25K rev per month in 6 months..

@LimitlessJG - congrats on hitting your rev goal! It takes guts to take the risk and go 'all out' like you did.

That was a fantastic post! I think it should be required reading, to provide both a reality check and tons of encouragement.

Thanks for taking the time to come back and share your experience and what you learned.
@LimitlessJG - congrats on hitting your rev goal! It takes guts to take the risk and go 'all out' like you did.

That was a fantastic post! I think it should be required reading, to provide both a reality check and tons of encouragement.

Thanks for taking the time to come back and share your experience and what you learned.

@azgold thank you so much for the kind words & humility! I tried to keep it as real as possible & let everyone know it is possible to do big things in this industry.

It was absolutely my pleasure to come back and make a final post. But this is just the beginning for me, I haven't even scratched the surface yet!
Please tell us your Total Revenue and Total Profit in 6 months. revenue is kinda useless without knowing how much profit...
Please tell us your Total Revenue and Total Profit in 6 months. revenue is kinda useless without knowing how much profit...

I had a lot of stuff going on in my personal life in the beginning of the challenge therefore, we didn't launch our campaign until May 14th which one of the screenshots shows.

I know rev is useless without knowing how much profit, but the title of the thread is "Journey to 25K revenue per month in 6 months"...

As far as profits and total revenue, I don't have the exact stats for that. I'll have to wait until my partner receives all the backend stats at the end of this week which will be the true stats. When I receive them I'll post them from May 14th up until now.

We try not to focus on that too much until it's time to pay ourselves. As long as day to day operations are a healthy ROI that's all that matters :)

Your journey makes me stronger. I'm doubting myself. See your screenshot, I know we are on the same network, I have a great and friendly AM.

I'm at Affiliate Marketing for 2 months, I run over 20 campaigns with some vertical (almost Pin Sumit) and traffic (I'm using popads and StartApp). However, I have no win campaign until now.

I did it alone and read & learn every day. Someone advise me that I should find a mentor but I can't find any trusted mentor.

Can you suggest me a trusted mentor or some ways I could do?

Thanks and Congrats

Your journey makes me stronger. I'm doubting myself. See your screenshot, I know we are on the same network, I have a great and friendly AM.

I'm at Affiliate Marketing for 2 months, I run over 20 campaigns with some vertical (almost Pin Sumit) and traffic (I'm using popads and StartApp). However, I have no win campaign until now.

I did it alone and read & learn every day. Someone advise me that I should find a mentor but I can't find any trusted mentor.

Can you suggest me a trusted mentor or some ways I could do?

Thanks and Congrats

Hey man thank you! Those screenshots weren't from a network, they were from our tracking software. But your AM's are your best friend, and are there to help you.

It's all in the data man to be honest. You have to know what you're looking at when reading numbers and how to weed out the bad placements your ads are being shown on. Your tracking software is your best friend. You have to know your CPC vs EPC.

As far as finding a mentor: keep networking everyday. Attend as many meetups as you can around your area or surrounding cities. is great for stuff like this. If you're able to attend the big affiliate summit's or world conferences I'd go to those too. Networking is major key in this industry if you want to make it. Most importantly, keep testing and launching new campaigns everyday. Don't give up.

- JG
Hey man thank you! Those screenshots weren't from a network, they were from our tracking software. But your AM's are your best friend, and are there to help you.

It's all in the data man to be honest. You have to know what you're looking at when reading numbers and how to weed out the bad placements your ads are being shown on. Your tracking software is your best friend. You have to know your CPC vs EPC.

As far as finding a mentor: keep networking everyday. Attend as many meetups as you can around your area or surrounding cities. is great for stuff like this. If you're able to attend the big affiliate summit's or world conferences I'd go to those too. Networking is major key in this industry if you want to make it. Most importantly, keep testing and launching new campaigns everyday. Don't give up.

- JG

Oh, Thank you, man. I will try to learn how to read the data. What your tracking software? It's very similar to my network. And what your native ads traffic you are using?

Oh, Thank you, man. I will try to learn how to read the data. What your tracking software? It's very similar to my network. And what your native ads traffic you are using?


No problem, there are some really good PDF's out there on learning how to read data. The tracking software we use is HasOffers and we use many different traffic sources.

- JG
Reading the post, I am just happy and even encouraged. There is always one thing with coming up with the plan and documenting it. You are for sure that you can read and try to track your progress. It is the best way for you to work. Honestly without a plan, you will always find yourself stalling and making progress that is very minimal. I will therefore, urge my friends that we do plan and set the goals which we want to achieve. It will help us get there much easier than ever.
Reading the post, I am just happy and even encouraged. There is always one thing with coming up with the plan and documenting it. You are for sure that you can read and try to track your progress. It is the best way for you to work. Honestly without a plan, you will always find yourself stalling and making progress that is very minimal. I will therefore, urge my friends that we do plan and set the goals which we want to achieve. It will help us get there much easier than ever.

Definitely for sure! Having a plan is everything. Being in the challenge I was in helped me in so many unimaginable ways and caused me to be accountable for myself/actions/business.

Mapping everything out helps the big goal seem much more attainable and doable when you break it down into separate goals and thats what I did with the 25K rev goal, of course now our goals are much higher, because that's the only way you'll grow in life and business.

I'm happy that my journey made you happy and encouraged you. That is the ultimate fulfillment for me. Make a plan, have a team, break the main goal into smaller goals, & most importantly don't give up!

Hey LimitLess
First off congratulations on your awesome journey. I am new to Affiliate marketing but the study so far i have done has some how led me to the same kinda situation as you mentioned. There are so many ways you can go in affiliate marketing but some how i am inclined towards Native Ads as I think that is the future. Google is also testing native ads these days as i see that they keep telling me to use Matched content (in adsense) so not long before they jump the bandwagon.

Anyways have some questions as i am starting out.

First one is about tracking. You said you are using Has offers tracking. So is there any particular reason to do that. Do you think the other trackers like Voluum and Adsbridge they can not track Native Traffic...?

Secondly which affiliate network do you think has the best offers for Native Ads..?

Hey LimitLess
First off congratulations on your awesome journey. I am new to Affiliate marketing but the study so far i have done has some how led me to the same kinda situation as you mentioned. There are so many ways you can go in affiliate marketing but some how i am inclined towards Native Ads as I think that is the future. Google is also testing native ads these days as i see that they keep telling me to use Matched content (in adsense) so not long before they jump the bandwagon.

Anyways have some questions as i am starting out.

First one is about tracking. You said you are using Has offers tracking. So is there any particular reason to do that. Do you think the other trackers like Voluum and Adsbridge they can not track Native Traffic...?

Secondly which affiliate network do you think has the best offers for Native Ads..?


Hey @Abubakr ,

Thanks man for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

Yeah, we just like HasOffers better because it's more optimized for native and displays more statistics so it's easier to track things. We still use Voluum also at times for certain things that HasOffers can't show us. HasOffers is a lot more expensive then Voluum though, so if you're just starting out I would highly recommend you use Voluum.

As far as offers, we mostly work directly with the adverts, but sometimes we will use networks to split test offers, conversion rates, etc. Jumbleberry is probably one of the best and most trusted out there for nutra offers, we use them pretty frequently when we aren't working direct.

Hope that helps!

- JG
Hey @Abubakr ,

Thanks man for the kind words, I really appreciate it!

Yeah, we just like HasOffers better because it's more optimized for native and displays more statistics so it's easier to track things. We still use Voluum also at times for certain things that HasOffers can't show us. HasOffers is a lot more expensive then Voluum though, so if you're just starting out I would highly recommend you use Voluum.

As far as offers, we mostly work directly with the adverts, but sometimes we will use networks to split test offers, conversion rates, etc. Jumbleberry is probably one of the best and most trusted out there for nutra offers, we use them pretty frequently when we aren't working direct.

Hope that helps!

- JG
Thanks a lot for the reply. if it is not too much to ask, for voluum can you please give some pointers as to how can i set up tracking as what i see from Outbrain they have a pixel that you can use for conversion tracking. So i am not sure how to track it. I would appreciate any pointers here.

Thanks a lot for the reply. if it is not too much to ask, for voluum can you please give some pointers as to how can i set up tracking as what i see from Outbrain they have a pixel that you can use for conversion tracking. So i am not sure how to track it. I would appreciate any pointers here.


Not a problem.

And you'll just go to setup in your Voluum and at the bottom you'll see all of the script and URL's for your conversion pixel. Just replace the parameters in one of those with the ones that Outbrain supports and add that to your landers and you'll be good to go ;)
Not a problem.

And you'll just go to setup in your Voluum and at the bottom you'll see all of the script and URL's for your conversion pixel. Just replace the parameters in one of those with the ones that Outbrain supports and add that to your landers and you'll be good to go ;)
Thanks a lot for the reply. But this would only work for my landing pages and where ever i can paste the pixel code which will fire and report the conversion. But if i am sending traffic to a landing page of the offer and i have no access to put the code on that page. So how will this work in this case.
Thanks a lot for the reply. But this would only work for my landing pages and where ever i can paste the pixel code which will fire and report the conversion. But if i am sending traffic to a landing page of the offer and i have no access to put the code on that page. So how will this work in this case.

Usually your AM will help you with that and will set that up for you in their system.
Usually your AM will help you with that and will set that up for you in their system.
Ok got it. Thanks. So i contacted outbrain support to give me the tracking pixel code. And i have also seen that in my case with peerfly you can add that code in the offer. so it will get fired.

So in that case we can see the conversions in Outbrain's dashboard and see which campaigns are producing conversions.

Now if you only use outbrain ---> PeerFly then you can only optimize to an extent. But I am guessing if you somehow implement voluum in between then you can optimize more...right...?

Secondly Lets say i got the Code from Outbrain and I have the option to place it on the offer through my Affiliate manager. The missing link that is still not pretty clear to me is how can i utilize voluum. From your previous post what i get is that if i use the code i get from Outbrain in Voluum settings and also on the Offer page I can see the conversions in voluum then...?

I know i am bugging you alot here but i can't help it. Its a newbie thing :)
