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Is it too late to say hi here

Hello everyone.Hope we can study here together to share our experience and make money together. I got approved by Aragon advertising and run some offers ,of course lost of some money, I need find some way.

Hi, @bigpepper and welcome to AffiliateFix!

To respond to the title of your thread, it's never too late to say hi here. :)

Losing money when just starting out is just the way it goes. You're learning to set up campaigns, use a tracker, analyze data, optimize and scale. It's all part of the process and learning curve. To put it simply, you are buying both an education and data.

We have absolute tons of helpful guidance here in the forums. Find the area you want to perfect then read, study and implement. It's good to start a follow along journey, too. That way, people can help you every step of the way through your campaign.

You can also access the Newbie Helpdesk whenever you need help: Newbie Helpdesk
In other words, we're here for you. You just have to let us know you have a question. :)

Enjoy the forums!
Hello bigpepper. Welcome to AffiliateFix Froum. It's never too late to say hi and get acquainted. The more you will interact, the more we will get to know you and can help if you need any help or suggestion. Everybody here is very friendly and helpful.

Our first lady @azgold has given you some great tips and suggestions.

Once again welcome aboard and looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix:
Hello everyone.Hope we can study here together to share our experience and make money together. I got approved by Aragon advertising and run some offers ,of course lost of some money, I need find some way.

Welcome to AffiliateFix @bigpepper !

your story is not unique, in fat, most everyone goes through that stage. not to worry, be happy you re here. This community will help you get to where you need to be!

We have loads of great contributors posting actionable information every day.

I'm sure you will find we are a friendly and engaging group of marketers and easy to forge relationships with.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.

@bigpepper ; Welcome to affiliatefix.

In this world of close to 3.5+ billion internet users with equal number of opportunity, we may not expect all to make profit. So like @azgold says some you need to take as "profit" to earn experience.

This vibrant community will help you to make sure you see lots of profit , lots of knowledge.

Best wishes...
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Hello everyone.Hope we can study here together to share our experience and make money together. I got approved by Aragon advertising and run some offers ,of course lost of some money, I need find some way.

Never too late to say hi :) Keep reading the posts here, you will learn a LOT I guarantee you~
Thanks very much for all you guys' kindly reply. I was busy last week so I revert such late.
and one more question,Do you guys have any good site recommendation to learn making nice banner ?