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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate



New Member

This is all new to me so I feel like i've just wandered into the coolest museum and have no idea which exhibit to visit first. My short term goals are to learn enough to get my feet wet making a few bucks here and there, and my long term goal is to have a steady income that would allow me to do this full time. In the meantime I hope to learn, have fun and met interesting people. Thanks for the great site!

You are in the right spot and your strategy is spot on. Get your feet wet and learn some things as you go and apply them. Get good at what your doing them move forward. Where do you plan on starting? Do you have any pages or campaigns your currently working on? Let others know and they can take a look at what you have and give you suggestions or simply tell you that your on the right track. Test Test Test....this is hounded over and over but it is true. rinse wash repeat your campaigns, find out what works and scale. You will get there just don't expect it all to happen at once. You have a great forum for support though.

I look forward to walking and possibly working with you more in the future!

To your success
