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Instant cash method (Breaking News + CPA + Content locker)


New Member
What I always say, if you are creative, take action and act fast you will make money.

You probably hear about fatal accident when famous movie star lose his life. Yeah, I'm talking about Paul Walker.
I come to an idea to monetize this breaking news.
I wait that first video's on YouTube shows up, that I set up webpage with content locking script and publish it to my server.
Next what I do is set up 7Search PPC campaign (start run after 3 hours) and LeadImapct PPV campaign (start run after 27 hours).   Manage Campaigns.png

On social network, Facebook and Twitter I do just manual posts. For YouTube I create short video using Animoto and point him to my website.

Results was tremendous and I was so proud of my work...

In a first day I made $735.45 and in second one, when also LeadImpact start to drive traffic $802.28.
Total I spend $535.45 on PPC/PPV (on the photo on 7Search you see $10 per day but right after I see results I rise it up).

AdWorkMedia-02.12.2013.png AdWorkMedia2-02.12.2013.png

Today I kill the campaigns because everything drop down but I earn total of $1,002.28 in just 2 days.
How it look my website you can check on the photo below:


And for those who would like to see LIVE my site can PM me. I don't want to spam or promote here.


Creating, setting and publishing website 20 minutes
Creating 7Search PPC campaign 10 minutes
Creating LeadImpact PPV campaign 30 minutes
Creating, publishing and optimizing YouTube video 35 minutes


Twitter 8 times a day by 3 threats
Facebook 10 profiles, 3-5 posts with each one 3 times a day on profile wall and groups/pages walls
YouTube - Posting on other people high rank video using YouTube newbie madness method

P.S. For someone this may be not moral but my bank account is not complaining and I did not do anything wrong.
Huge, congrats! What a great example of what can happen when you get creative and take fast action.

You have a right to be proud of your work. :)
Huge, congrats! What a great example of what can happen when you get creative and take fast action.

You have a right to be proud of your work. :)

Thanks azgold. Now I search for another breaking news, ready to repeat this results but also I visit Google trends so can give me pretty good ideas what is hot on the market.
I learned long time ago that information is best product on the Internet. If you can place great info on the right place on the right time you already st a goal!
I don't want to sound like a dick, but I think it's not really ethical to make money of a people death.
Great that you are sharing with others, but it's not a method, that should be used by anyone.

In one part I agree but I did not do anything bad or illegal. What about undertaker? They also make money on death person, good money... So they should not to?
You should be the worst affiliate to make money of people deaths. And yes, you are.
CPA Dating PPV Case Study - $422.75 in just one day with total spent of $2.67 - Page 2
Fake WSO, fake photoshop etc.
And wait.. you are selling that guide?!
CPA dating PPV case study


Everyone has right for his opinion. We live in democracy. You mean I'm the worst affiliate because I'm doing it? Well, I'm just glad that I'm part of million people same as me around the globe, including undertakers to make money on death people. I make money on information, not on death people and if you have something against, sorry, it's your problem... My bank account is not complaining.
I also get used to people like you who look only pictures, not principles of the system. Till you search for some photoshop mistakes, if any, I created another campaign and already cash money...
Common man, what do you think, big players don't use photoshop for their stats? But on them nobody looks because are famous. Same thing... Think about it...

Greetings from Singapore!

P.S. jealousy is best enemy but to me, you just give me some motivation for my future work. Thanks for that! And another thing, how you know all this links? Are you pursuit me from the past, try to ruin my business? Well go ahead, I have nothing against because you cannot. My business is not based on selling my reports...
I wasn't taking it to mean that it has to be a death, I was thinking more along the line of any type of breaking news, whether it pertains to the economy, weather, a Miss U.S.A. winner, whatever. I wouldn't do it using the same type of topic that the OP has but that doesn't mean it couldn't be used for other types of news, does it? I don't know, I've never worked with this type of offer before but wouldn't the method work for other news? It sounds like what we used to do for writing using Google Trends to pick hot news topics. Only this is video used for a cpa offer.

You guys know way more about this stuff than I do, so maybe I'm out in left field here.

We love to see examples of what works, all of us. Most of us look past the content and look at the methods, tactics, and strategies to see if there are viable options for us to apply to the work we do. That said, I have used a similar angle and approach in past campaigns and achieved both success and failure. Using Trends, especially anything that is recent big news, can bring quick and short lived campaigns.

Thanks for the post.

Just a side note cpadatingmaster, you do not have any of the appropriate disclosure links on your landing page. You do not have a Privacy Policy link, and you do not have a Terms of Use or an Earnings Disclosure link. The Earnings Disclosure is very important these days when selling IM related products. Just sayin'....

We love to see examples of what works, all of us. Most of us look past the content and look at the methods, tactics, and strategies to see if there are viable options for us to apply to the work we do. That said, I have used a similar angle and approach in past campaigns and achieved both success and failure. Using Trends, especially anything that is recent big news, can bring quick and short lived campaigns.

Thanks for the post.

Just a side note cpadatingmaster, you do not have any of the appropriate disclosure links on your landing page. You do not have a Privacy Policy link, and you do not have a Terms of Use or an Earnings Disclosure link. The Earnings Disclosure is very important these days when selling IM related products. Just sayin'....

Thanks for the note tjtutor but this I create for just 2-3 days so did not have time to make all this... After that I shut down the page...
Thanks for the note tjtutor but this I create for just 2-3 days so did not have time to make all this... After that I shut down the page...

Better safe than sorry. If you can get your hands on a set of disclosure templates and then modify them for your own sites, then they'll be ready whenever you need them. The Feds can be pretty sticky about these disclosures. I just don't want to see any of my friends here at the Fix having government problems.
Better safe than sorry. If you can get your hands on a set of disclosure templates and then modify them for your own sites, then they'll be ready whenever you need them. The Feds can be pretty sticky about these disclosures. I just don't want to see any of my friends here at the Fix having government problems.

Thanks, I appreciate it!
Good method and actually you are providing just more information about this happening so you are not doing anything wrong.
How did u design that LP?

Do u use a self hosted content locker like Content Locker Pro or Mighty Content Locker?