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If you wonder where Linda is ...


<b><font size=2>In Memoriam - Loyal Administrator<
In case you might be wondering where Linda is .....

Linda is fine!

She is having a modem problem which might not be resolved until Wednesday, August 22, 2007.

Until then she might not be around here very much, or possibly not at all.

Please contact me by private message should you have any problems or questions related to 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forums during this period.

The forums will continue to be well moderated (24 hours a day) during this time.
oh-oh! She's ba-ackkk! :p

Road Runner after a bunch of tech support calls all day finally tells me they think my modem is the problem. They can't get a tech out until WED... WED! :( Not only do I have work to get done, but I can't live without Internet, you guys know how addicted I am. :p

So I decide it's worth it to go out and buy my own cable modem so I can get back up. I CALL Road Runner again before I leave to confirm it's not a network problem because I'm having a birthday party for my grand daughter so don't really have time to run around buying modems. Run across town buy a modem.

Run home wrap presents run out to get all the food for the party.
Had an AWESOME birthday party by the way. She just turned 2 and is so adorable I can't stand it.

So anyway get back home to install the modem to see if I can get online.
Walk in my office, the RoadRunner modem has all the lights blinking again and is working just fine. Voice mail from Road Runner saying oops sorry your modem is fine it was a network problem after all. So tomorrow back across town to return the modem.

I'll have to work double-time tomorrow to play catch up from all the projects I didn't get done today. Oh well at least the net is back up, that's all I care about. Thanks for letting me vent! :p
Congrats on your grand daughters birthday!

And I've had this aswell, but I got send a new one and they never asked about it, so I have a backup now, when anything happens!