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I think I found my niche. Please advise me further


New Member
Hi everyone and Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese members out here. I recently have a new hobby which is beadmaking (bracelets). Is it a good niche say I create How To tutorials on video, put up a site, talk about crafts and beads, market related affiliate products and then eventually sell my products or my How To ebooks?

please throw a dog a bone

Actually you should make further keyword research to find more about competition and monthly searches. This can give you a very good idea on how popular the niche is. You can use Google Keyword tool to access these data for free. Use a tool like SEOQuake to analyze other websites that are specialized in the same niche to see if you can beat them in the short run. Good luck :)
Hi everyone and Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese members out here. I recently have a new hobby which is beadmaking (bracelets). Is it a good niche say I create How To tutorials on video, put up a site, talk about crafts and beads, market related affiliate products and then eventually sell my products or my How To ebooks?

please throw a dog a bone


Seleyna, to followup on the very good advice given by the previous poster, your market research is the most important part of the development of the blog you propose. You must get this right or you will end up with a great blog, filled with superb information, fueled by your passion and all ready to make you some money - but no-one comes to it!

You need to:

1) Use a great market/niche research tool (Google is a start but it's designed for Adwords and doesn't give you the accurate and essential data you need) and establish the right balance between the number of searches per month you are likely to get when you rank high in the Search result, and the strength of the competition you face in your need to rank high and get lots of visitors.

If you're new to SEO I suggest you go for the 'low hanging fruit' and start with keywords that have low competition.

How do you find these? Get an accurate tool designed for the job that will report the SEO competition accurately. The tool I use is Traffic Travis V4.

2) Once you're satisfied you have got you keyword research right you will need to find and make a judgment about the affiliate programs relating to your niche - are there enough programs available and do they convert well?

Actually I tend to do the affiliate checks first (I'm an affiliate marketer and it provides the income that allows me to sit in my home office in my underwear if I wish, work part time at it and enjoy a very nice lifestyle) so if I can't be satisfied about the affiliate programs (for example I prefer 100% commissions) I don't have to spend the time on the niche research. I just move on to something else.

To emphasize: Don't scrimp on your research!
From looking at the Google Adwords keyword tool "bead making" is probably not the best choice of keyword phrases to try and build a site around (with only 480 local exact searches as of a few minutes ago); however, there is a strong demand for "beads", "charms", "jewelry making" and other related keyword phrases.

If you really love bead making then go for it but don't expect to rank on your keywords easily or to get tons of traffic. You'd be best marketing your videos through YouTube and then putting together a starter kit and course on how to make bracelets and selling that yourself via your site. Beads and related supplies can be had for cheap from various Asian-based manufacturers.
Hi everyone and Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese members out here. I recently have a new hobby which is beadmaking (bracelets). Is it a good niche say I create How To tutorials on video, put up a site, talk about crafts and beads, market related affiliate products and then eventually sell my products or my How To ebooks?

please throw a dog a bone


Someone wrote me not long ago and said they had been advised to go into beads, so I did a little research on it.

Honestly, I am not sure why they were given that advise. The market is very competitive and beads are cheap, so affiliate compensation would be low.

You would really have to find your usp (unique selling point) to compete.
Thanks for the insights. Yeah as I search I can see a LOT of bead websites that are already Gorillas in the market. I have to think things through (again)


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