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I need help and Im getting desperate


New Member
I recently started a site, i think ive got everything worked out right except getting ranked in search engines, Ive had my site up for about 3 weeks now and still havent had any traffic, can anybody please help me.
Hi tpeevy,

It can take time to get a new site ranked and depends on tons of factors one of the most important is how competitive your niche is.

You can't link to your site here, but you can give us more details.

What type of niche?
Have you done on-site SEO? Do you know how?
Have you gotten any back links yet?
Done anything else to market the site?

After you answer the qs above we can maybe point you in the right direction.
What type of niche?
Im trying to keep it all computer related stuff, I currently have 2 blogs on it dealing with a 3d animation program and an e-book showing how to make backgrounds on a photo.
Have you done on-site SEO? Do you know how?
I dont even know what that is.
Have you gotten any back links yet?
I have a few on twitter and on a social site for writers and artists called Testriffic
Done anything else to market the site?
I dont know what else to do.

I think I can post my link on here because I have 3 pages right now on the site, and the homepage doesnt contain any affiliate links.
No I'm sorry we don't allow people to link to their sites in posts. Too many abuse it so it's against the rules.

You can however add a link to it in your sig and then at least if someone wants to help they can see the site.

1) Anything to do with computers is HIGHLY competitive. I bet there are over 1 million competing pages for some of your keywords. For example: "3D animation software" has 727,000 competing in Google.

2) Even if it your niche was not that competitive - to get traffic from search engines you need the site optimized for your keywords and you need to know which keywords to go after. (Need to find some that get searches but are not very competitive to start off.)

There are books and books and many courses on how to do SEO (search engine optimization).
I can't just explain it in one post. But here are a couple good starting points.

Sorry my carpal is giving me trouble so can't type much but some of the links I gave you will help. You need more original keyword-rich content, need to learn how to do keyword research and then how to optimize for those keywords in the content, write compelling keyword-rich titles. etc.

But 1st really need to find a 'niche'. You are in a huge market, zero in on something that is more targeted and gets some searches but is not so competitive. Read the stickies in the niche forum about how to pick your 1st niche and how to do KW research and that will help you get your bearings.

Also once you find a niche and figure everything out you'll want to get your own site instead of a free site.

Hope this helps and best of luck!
thanks alot for your help. Im needing this to kick off, because im going to use the money that i make off of this to help pay for my college since im living with my parents, Im going to help them pay the bills
SEO and ranking do not and should not happen over night - beware anyone who promises instant results

step one should always be to submit your URL to the search engines
Let me first say that I feel bad for anybody with a brand new website who needs to make money soon.

The first thing I would do is move your blog from, I can't recall if I've ever seen a page from that site in search results. And I'm assuming you don't get paid for clicks from that flashing banner at the top of the page.

Your best bet by far (IMO) is to get your own domain and hosting. A .com is around $10 a year, and hosting is about $5 per month and up. is by far my highest ranking web 2.0 site post Panda. They hate Clickbank, and affiliate links in general, but might allow an Amazon link if you provide good content and ask first.

Squidoo ranks pretty decent currently. They have an easy to use Amazon module, but I'm not quite sure how revenue sharing works. Not sure if they allow clickbank links, but they're fine with self promotion.

Hubpages made a pretty good rally after the mid September Panda update. You have to check their policy on affiliate links, but I think they do have some sort of revenue sharing for the Adsense ads. And the way it is formatted should get a pretty good click through rate.

Lastly, the way your pages look would cause a lot of people to click away. You need to break it down into paragraphs and maybe add subtitles. Everything seems dark and cluttered.

Good luck
I just launched my website about 20 days ago and understand the struggles driving traffic to your site. I knew very little about SEO before 3 weeks ago and did not even have a twitter account. According to hostgator, I?ve had 830 visitors to my main site in three weeks. I?m not certain how to read the traffic report, but I can tell you how I created some momentum.

I started by thinking of the website as a regular brick and mortar business. No one knew anything about me or my product. I focus on getting the word out and give people a reason to visit. Submit a press release, so people know you are open for business. Also, consider running a special and send a release out on that as well.

I?m sure you are knowledgeable about your niche. Submit relevant articles from your blog to article directories so the public knows it. Tweet to let people know about your informative articles and special offers. Eventually, people will take notice if you focus on your target market. I also posted classified ads to piggyback off of their ranking. Always incorporate your keywords.

Believe in your product, spread the word, and build a list. Every day I learn something new just from reading these forums. Anyway, that is what is working for me. Small achievements will add up to larger success. I?ve had a few sells and so will you.
If the site that you've put together has the possibility to bring in some cash, then understand that getting traffic WILL NOT BE EASY. 3 weeks is nothing...

You'll have to work hard in order to see any traffic.