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I?m a beginner, need some help!

When it comes to making money online you just need to be patient and ambitious with the whole process until you are on top.
You can definately make that much money, but it isn't going to happen overnight. It has taken me a year to make the money I make now. I am an online writer, so I'm not sure what you're doing but it works differently for everyone. I personally market my writing and then get people interested in wanting me to write for them. I love it and have never been happier. It does take a lot of time, but it's totally worth it for me!
Well there are many other ways to make money online besides writing articles. Yes writing is one of them, but I find affiliate marketing is what makes the quick bucks:)
I disagree. Affiliate marketing doesnt make "the quick bucks" but yes you can make money online with affiliate marketing. Its definitely not as easy as you play it out to be
A recent affiliate course I was experimenting on generated me $500 in just two weeks. And ever since then, I've been making sales. So it all depends on the resources you have accessible to you. That's why I always say it's best to learn from someone who has already been there and done that.
Hey there, Jacopo.

I hope you've taken some of the advice given here, because it's all relevant.

I would suggest you do a search for "affiliate forums" in Goog. From there join forums that you like, read and study what other experts are saying, ask intelligent questions, and as your own knowledge grows, start to help others.

There's a wealth of information as well at Digital Point, Warrior Forums, and Sitepoint.

Rock on, and good luck.
Two people I will highly recommend for training. Rosiland Gardener, mentioned earlier by another member, and Chris Farrell. Most programs, including theirs, offer free trial periods. Try out different ones, throw out the bad ones, and stick with the good ones until you've learned all you can from them. Good luck!
My suggestion is to do something that you know would excite you! No, not Money... Tasks that you would like doing, and this way, you will be self motivated naturally instead of forcing yourself to do this or that.

Most end up quitting and moving onto something else due to lack of motivation, so keep an eye on that and chose carefully.
If you are looking to just make some extra cash that's great, and you will not need to work as hard as those looking to make 6-figures a year online but you do need to be aware that you will need to do work to make the money. Not necessarily difficult work but you will surely use time and effort if you want to succeed.

Products for teaching you how to make money can be gold or garbage so do the research before you buy anything. As mentioned above, "The Super Affiliate Handbook" by Rosalind Gardner seems like a great fit to your fore-mentioned goal as an affiliate marketer. I own the book and have found it really useful. I advertise it as a highlighted product at the bottom of my posts because it's maybe the best book a new marketer can buy.

Start thinking a little bigger than just affiliate marketing as well. There will be a web of connections you will need to fulfill in addition to simply promoting a product. And don't dive into ANYTHING if you are planning for money to come instantly. You will have to do your groundwork first.
Finding my niche.

The one and only problem that i have being a marketer is that i haven't found my niche yet. I have a lot of products to market but yet finding the right niche may actually make me my first sale.
You will learn the most about affiliate marketing simply by trying it out. Take what you learn from the posts in this forum and others and try something out. Then see how it turned out, come back to the forums, and ask questions. Then go back and optimize your work with your new knowledge. Repeating this process over and over will yield the best results.

There are, however, some good courses out there. Each one has it's own strengths and weaknesses. Take some time to review ones that leap out at you if you're interested in a course. Most of them have trial periods so that you can see if you like it or not. Whatever you do, be prepared to work.
The marketing actually seems like the easiest part of the whole puzzle. Its the ability to generate tons of traffic from seo and the skill of writing intersting content that is the very tough part.
Yeah i think for starting out that is a great goal to just focus on paying for the small monthly bills. This is something that takes a lot of time and focus if your trying to make it a full time thing. Dont start out by quitting your day job though. Just do it for fun and eventually success will come.