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I have an idea for email marketing: I'd like to really add value. Is this a good idea

Ron Hitson

New Member
I was thinking of finally starting list building BUT I don't want to do what i see many email marketers doing..........which is selling in every email. I don't care if I am "leaving money on the table". I really want to help folks with my email messages.

I am not saying I will not promote products, I will but I was thinking maybe 2 offers a month MAX. The rest will be good solid content that is usable.

I almost stepped away from email marketing because I got totally discussed with what I was seeing come into my inbox. I unsubscribed to every email newsletter I was receiving.

I know the "gurus" say ( all of which I don't listen too) focus on writing top notch sales copy in your emails. To a degree I agree, But I want to really focus on providing good content and build a relationship with my subscribers.

What do you folks think of this?
I still want to make sales but not at the expense of being a "offer whore".

How do some of you do your email marketing "with class" ?

I know this is not anything new, but Internet marketing is starting to look like the sleezy MLM stuff.

Ron, I TOTALLY agree with you! Follow your gut and build a solid sustainable business with loyal followers that value your content.


thanks for responding. You have no idea how much your remarks mean to me. Coming from someone like you, your words carry a lot of weight.

I even stepped away from one other "well known" marketing forum because I just got sick of what I was seeing. You know the forum I am speaking of very well. That's where I found you. I will not mention the forum name out of respect for this forum and the other forum.

Thank you.
I agree as well. Selling in every e-mail might work for a while, but once "sales fatigue" sets in you'll just end up with a growing list of unsubscribers. I think providing value in the majority of messages is great, with sales making up the minority.

I'm with you - it's hard to draw the line between making sales and making enemies. :)
Yes I know.

Ron, as I see it there are 3 types of affiliate marketing:

Retail Affiliate Marketing (tangible products)
Info Marketing
CPA Marketing

Info marketing methods are what you've been exposed to and I don't agree with most of their methods. If you start focusing more on what REAL, I mean, err... (;)) Retail affiliate marketers do you'll find the type of marketing that is more high integrity, value add and honest marketing. They don't use the long hypey sales letters and if they do email it's usually more of a monthly newsletter and not pitch, pitch, offer, offer.

Even if you sell info products, I think you'll stand out from the crowd and be more comfortable using more mainstream retail type marketing methods.

thanks for checking in with your response.


I agree as well. Selling in every e-mail might work for a while, but once "sales fatigue" sets in you'll just end up with a growing list of unsubscribers. I think providing value in the majority of messages is great, with sales making up the minority.

I'm with you - it's hard to draw the line between making sales and making enemies. :)

I have a big network of affiliate sites. Selling tangible products. Products that you and I use, everyday. I love selling those products. It's fun and I am doing very well with it. Even though it's Amazon and the commissions are not as high as say, clickbank ebooks, I move a lot of product for Amazon, so the volume makes up for it. :)

I am in fact going to create my own info products but it will not be anything IM related. A "How To" guide series.

Yes I know.

Ron, as I see it there are 3 types of affiliate marketing:

Retail Affiliate Marketing (tangible products)
Info Marketing
CPA Marketing

Info marketing methods are what you've been exposed to and I don't agree with most of their methods. If you start focusing more on what REAL, I mean, err... (;)) Retail affiliate marketers do you'll find the type of marketing that is more high integrity, value add and honest marketing. They don't use the long hypey sales letters and if they do email it's usually more of a monthly newsletter and not pitch, pitch, offer, offer.

Even if you sell info products, I think you'll stand out from the crowd and be more comfortable using more mainstream retail type marketing methods.
I mean I think the best thing to do is exactly what you are talking about and that is not be an "offer whore". Make the main point of your e-mails to help out your subscribers.

And don't try to sell them anything at first, not at least until you have offered them tons of free content and you are sure you have gained their trust and given them plenty of free content, tips, or help.

Once you have gained their trust, then start recommending programs every once in a while. But only recommend something when you KNOW it will help them with what they are trying to do. That way you both win.