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I am starting to hate wordpress


New Member
Hi there!
Yes it's true I am getting very annoyed with it.
Whenever I embed a flash movie of the other site it works just fine, but when I embed a movie that is hosted on my server my whole site becomes jumbled. I have tried a bunch of different plug ins and settings and nothing seems to work. The support for wordpress is very very bare by the creators. There are so many support requests that go unanswered it is amazing that their slogan is: "code is poetry"

Sergey Agapov.
That is one of the downside of free software, there is limitation to how much support the creator can provide and if one has an issue that is now common then you probably will not get response :(
expression engine ftw :p

are you putting it in a post or in a template file? if its a post turn off the horrible visual editor thing and try if not - make a custom template and put it in there and aasign it to your page.

WP support varies greatly - your guaranteed to get someone who is right up their own arse when posting in the forum. I've always had quick responses.
Wordpress - whilst fantastic - has caused me to move server twice due to hosting issues. Unoptimized it is rather resource hungry, but optimized it is a dream.

However, whilst I don't have your problem, I feel your pain.
I'm pretty new to wordpress, but the only thing I can complain about is how when you write a post in the 'Code' section, rather than the 'Visual' section it does not always come out the way you want it. Even doing something as simple as link breaks won't always work.

Anybody else having trouble with wordpress?
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I have been struggling to find out how I can disable it's built in feature of always correcting HTML. It seems to always correct mistakes, but more often it simply makes it harder to do what You want.
There is one very good plug-in I found. That's tiny MCE advanced. It is very good at outputting exactly what You want. The other way is to pre-write Your article in Dreamweaver and then copy-paste into the WP
Thanks for the tip about doing everything in Dreamweaver, but it seems like a hassle to install it just for this. So maybe I'll just install the plugin you suggested.
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wtf are you lot on about lol

go to users > your profile and uncheck the use visual editor box - all horrible formatting problems gone :D
Did you try it with the newest upgraded wordpress? Otherwise I have no clue if the plugins are not helping :scared: