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My name is Oladele from nigeria, i have familiarize myself with the internet since when i was 16. I have always aspire to have my own business on the internet, though i have tried various platforms to make money online but i haven't seen one i can hold on too for long.
I am currently getting things in order back so as to join the moving train of online money makers. I am starting in the CPA world, and i hope i enjoy this journey, because it will be a lifetime one.
Welcome @oladele

First of all, there are never a business could last forever, no doubts big company like Motorola will be overwrite by Apple.
It's competition, it's a race, these races will never end, no exception.

Take a look at these topic, Mobile is hot right now and I guess it is better that you pick them as a source to start up with.

[GUIDE] Bank Off Mobile CPA Offers from FREE Traffic (PART I) | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

Gold - [Mobile Case Study] Zeropark + Voluume 99.90% ROI | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

See you around AffiliateFix!
@oladele - hello and welcome!

This can be a fun business but it is also hard work at times. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask in the appropriate forum.

Meantime, feel free to dive in and start checking out the helpful threads. For newbies, I like to suggest starting with the following:

What is Affiliate Marketing? (START HERE) | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
Newbie Helpdesk | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

Look forward to watching you progress! :)
Good suggestions given by mods, don't hesitate to open a thread if you have questions.

Good luck and welcome to Affiliatefix, enjoy your stay.

Welcome to the forum, buddy.

What type of marketing are you currently focusing on and getting into? Good luck with everything you got going on right now!
My name is Oladele from nigeria,

Hello @oladele , it's great to have you with us. Welcome to AffiliateFix!

i have familiarize myself with the internet since when i was 16. I have always aspire to have my own business on the internet, though i have tried various platforms to make money online but i haven't seen one i can hold on too for long.
I am currently getting things in order back so as to join the moving train of online money makers. I am starting in the CPA world, and i hope i enjoy this journey, because it will be a lifetime one.

You will do fine, as you can see we have an abundance of marketers at every level and all reaching out to help each other reach their goals. Be sure to get a follow along going in our Follow Alongs and Online Journeys forum.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the DOJO as it is full of great tools and contributions for successful marketers. Click the banner below to learn more.

See you around the forums.
