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How to make money online


New Member
Hi fiends,
I am new here, Someone PLEASE tell me exactly how you can easily make money online without spending a lot to start and not starting a traditional business....
Thanks in advance!
Hi Richlife,

Of course one of the best ways to "make money online without spending a lot to start and not starting a traditional business" is affiliate marketing, which we specialize in here.

Be sure to check out all the stickies in the newbie forum as they are some of the best threads to read to get a basic education and some tips for getting started.
Hi Richlife,

If you are going to get into affiliate marketing to make money online, before you buy ANY ebooks that "give you the secret" of making money online. Do a search for the topic in this forum and I bet you will find out that there is not a secret.

By using the search in this forum (or a search engine), many of your questions will probably be answered free. If not, ask. Someone will help point you in the right direction.

Easily and Make Money In the same sentence?

Hi, richlife and welcome to the forum

I thought i had misread your question so i re-read it

Easily and make money really just do not go together

I have been in affiliate marketing for a while now and am making money with it.
The affiliate marketing system is simple but it certainly is not easy.

I tell you this, not to dampen your enthusiasm, but to give you reasonable expectations

Yes you do not need to invest a lot of money to get your affiliate marketing business going, but you need to invest a shed load of time and hard work.

I recommend affiliate marketing to anyone who is willing to put in hours of hard work to build a viable business.

My concern is when someone is looking for an easy way to make money, Affiliate marketing is not the answer to that!!
Sign up with a merchant like Clickbank and start promoting your affiliate links in blogs, articles, forums, squidoo lenses, hubpages, etc.
Do you think you can make money ?

Do Not believe you can make Big money Over night

You must be able to do your own research on marketing online ...

Words of to remembers : Do not just dive into the deep water without doing any due deligent

Read more ... understand ...more do not rush into stuff that you do not know yet ..

I know it may be very general as i have written ..but this is exactly what is internet business.... you cannot just explain in afew words .. you need to take time to understand how it goes...

To your success

Hi Richlife

Hi Richlife

It is a very simple to deal with affiliate programs. Affiliate Programs are quite simple and inexpensive to run. Their business consists of generating customers for all of their members. For this reason, it is in general cheaper, and takes less effort, for you to sign onto an affiliate program than it would be for you to attempt to start your own affiliate program. In addition, with the large number of people these affiliate programs have signed up, you are in a position to reach a larger area of the market than you could ever achieve by going it alone.
Hi Richlife,

There is no easy money in affiliate marketing. Although this is not a traditional business, you still need to build it.

If you can be rich overnight just by joining affiliate marketing, then this business might give the impression as get rich scheme.

I am not sure about the law at your country, but get rich scheme is illegal over here.

If you are serious to build your affiliate marketing business, you need to be patience and do things systematically.

Hope that helps. :D