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How to increase your Facebook Likes! (TIPS)

I would share with my friends and ask them to do the same with their friends. Also i would post interesting topis with good pictures to increase the attraction.
Yоu cаn аdd а Fаcеbооk Likе bоx оn yоur wеbsitе tо cоnvеrt yоur nеw blоg rеаdеrs intо rеgulаr rеаdеrs. Yоu cаn аdd а widgеt in thе sidеbаr оr usе а рор-uр bоx tо аttrаct mоrе likеs.

Find thе sаmе раgеs аs yоurs аnd mеssаgе thеm tо knоw if thеy аrе intеrеstеd in shаring yоur раgе link оn thеir раgе. Tеll thеm; in rеturn yоu will dо thе sаmе. (Shаrе fоr Shаrе оr shоut-оut-fоr-shоut-оut mеthоd
The best and most solid way, in my opinion is to find Facebook groups with traffic that is targeted toward your niche. Find the largest groups in your niche that you can. Make sure you like the pages as your Page, not just as your regular Facebook profile. Make helpful comments in threads on the facebook group or page as your page.

For instance, I like the page (92,000 followers) of a print food magazine targeted toward young foodies. When they post an article that I have something relevant to say about, I'll often write a response blog post and link to it in my response to their comment thread.

I've gotten about 200 hits to my blog from some of these links. More importantly, these people generally actually READ your article.

Rinse and repeat for steady traffic.

I'd love to hear any other suggestions.

This is great! I currently have a Facebook page for our side business, but no matter how many times I post or share things, I can never gain anymore likes. I make nice things, and would love more people to be involved and enjoy them aside from my friends and family, but getting them to even share a fundraiser link that I've been working on is impossible. I've become so frustrated with it that I decided to just take a break from it for a while and re-do our entire inventory. Thanks for the tip! That helps so much.
We can buy likes from third party sites. However, likes we buy from third party sites are just the numbers. These likers are fulfilling their quota for liking facebook pages. Since they are paid for every likes, they only care about liking the pages available to them.

A good way to get like is boosting out page, it is costly but this is worth because we get likes only from people who are genuinely interested.
Why would you like to use one of those services that get you likes for a fee? All those likes will come from click farms and people that don't care for your product of service at all, and are probably on another country, hey, they are probably even bots and not people. Those likes are going to be useless because those people are not going to engage with the content your post, and, on facebook, engaging is the name of the game.

You can have a million likes but if people don't interact with your posts by commenting, sharing or liking, your page is going to be dead and your content will reach nobody since the facebook algorithm favors posts with a lot of activity in terms of users interacting.

Don't waste your money buying likes.
Why would you like to use one of those services that get you likes for a fee? All those likes will come from click farms and people that don't care for your product of service at all, and are probably on another country, hey, they are probably even bots and not people. Those likes are going to be useless because those people are not going to engage with the content your post, and, on facebook, engaging is the name of the game.

You can have a million likes but if people don't interact with your posts by commenting, sharing or liking, your page is going to be dead and your content will reach nobody since the facebook algorithm favors posts with a lot of activity in terms of users interacting.

Don't waste your money buying likes.
right, your opinion is absolutely right in my opinion
To increase FB likes to your posts, you need to build your network with more people and then do this following
1. Share Posts by adding relevant and pretty images/ videos along with content
2. Dont confuse the readers by not providing the concise details of it in the post
3. If you share on hot trending or hot topics then it reaches to more people
4. Join some groups and post in that
5. Create genuine impression to the users
6. You must have group, it shows tremendous difference than personal account especially if want more likes
roups in your niche that you can. Make sure you like the pages as your Page, not just as your regular Facebook profile. Make helpful comments in threads on the facebook group or page as your page.
have something relevant to say about, I'll often write a response blog post and link to it in my response to their comment thread.
Post different kind of content on your wall. Don't post photos or text informations all the time. Mix it all and post videos, photos, questions etc. Also check when people who liked your page are online and post your stuff around that time.
To increase your facebook like keep in mind following things,

1. Post engaging content
2. Be active
3. Invite your existing community
4. Optimize your Facebook Page Info
5. Use Facebook Social Plugins
6. Use social media monitoring to measure, analyze, and learn
7. Add a “Like” button to your Website’s Header
You could have a like button on your side bar, at the bottom of all your posts, etc. While there's no guarantee that everyone who sees your post will like it, there are a few who might actually like what you post and click the like button.
Daily Posting, post related to services, Group join, group discussion, friends invitation etc........
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Increase the member onto your FB page. Posting content regularly in order to attract the new people. This way you can increase FB likes.
Firstly, you need make your content be lovable and shareable. Beside that, join as many as social (online) community that related to your page and leave as many as your page's link in any social bookmarking that you know.

Second, pay buzzer to persuade people to like your page. Sometimes, it success for some brand and sometimes not. Be selective to choose the rite buzzer that related to your brand and has great influence

Third, if you just want to substitute paid ads with other tools, just make an apps that has LIKE button before they play/read/join your game/content/contest.