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How to get people to go to your new product website


New Member
Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and I was hoping to get some tips from anyone who is interested in posting them. I have a new product, Actually a kit, that I have developed and I am trying to find out how to get the word out on the product. I did start a webpage just for the product, its not a product line, just one product. I made a page on facebook and tried to get involved in other forums, but most don't allow you to post websites trying to sell things, which I definitely understand why. I don't have much money to spend on advertising do to the up front costs in making this Product ( Kit ). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your suggestions! John K
You don't mention if you have researched where people who might be interested in your product hang out? Are there forums related to that product or niche that you could join? Not to sell but to use your signature with a link to a website preferably a squeeze page where you first add them to your list with a free gift to persuade them to sign up?;)

Then once they have signed up give more free help before adding a link to your product as a faster way to get whatever they signed up to solve or questions answered? Or what about free Craigslist ads to sell your product?:)

Maybe articles and blogs related to that niche not the product with a link to your squeeze page to build your list for your product. List building is so important and relationship building is almost if not more crucial for long term sustainability?;)

Too many people are not building their own lists and throwing money away as a result. Also you need to think about upsells of more expensive products because what happens when that product has run out of buyers? You need follow upmarket products to keep this going.:D

Stephen & Jennifer.:cool:
Great Advice Above!!

I would say identify the group of people who be looking for a product/kit like the one you have developed and find out where they hang out.

Find out what they search for when they search for a product like yours.

Build a blog around your product and keywords people who would buy it would use to find a similar product.

Hit the forums, facebook, pintrest, twitter, other social channels and blanket the internet with information about your product

Without the fund to spread the word through paid ads you will have to be the pr rep and determine how bad you really want this work.

Good Luck
the beauty of this business is that you can do everything before starting your business.

That is the importance of keyword research, to select not only a flashy phrase, but one that has enough people searching for it, one that you can compete effectively with, and finally one that the people searching are willing to spend some money in.

Many tools can help you doing that, some of them commercially available, but one of the best is simply free; Google Keyword Planner, bu using it you can search for phrases or keywords related to your niche and then apply the criteria given above, that is, Get a group of candidate keywords with around 1000 daily searches or 30000 monthly, meaning that there is enough traffic for the keyword, then see the competition for the first page of those keywords, by an exact match, and finally take a look at the average people is paying for adwords, a number above a dollar usually means that people are spending enough in that keyword.

After discarding those that do not match your criteria, see if you can find an exact domain match, I usually go for .com, .org or .net since they are easier to rank. Build your website with quality and UNIQUE content, and then you can start getting traffic, Start with social media for a few days, after you see your site indexed, keep doing the social stuff for at least a week or so, before even thinking about backlinks, and once you get at it, do it gradually, try to get QUALITY backlinks, from sites related to your niche and if possible from high PR sites. It is better to have 1 PR5 backlink, rather than 20 PR0's

Hope it helps
Do you have an affiliate program already set up? If not, that's another option to attract more attention to your product.
I would skip Affiliate network for the beginning, spare the money.
Affiliate networks are working when you have converted already.

I would go for 2 things:
a) Look where your customers "live" online. Think about what might be interesting them, but add another parameter to your question, is TIMING.
For example, if you are developing a Bug Software for Developers, The right timing would be selling it to them when they have bug issues right? So they would probably go and look for forums or guide, suddenly they see you, right time and place.
So Consider using a small budget.

b) Find top 10 review blogs in your niche, reach them in any way, ask them for a review even paid.

Good luck!