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How to find a efficient Instagram Influencer for niche?


New Member
how can I find in a short time an efficient instagram influencer with a good engagement, who has no fake but real followers so that I can offer him a collaboration for advertising through instagram stories?

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One idea to check the validity of followers is to check the post engagement. For example, if someone has 100k followers, their posts would normally get around 10k likes (This isn't standard, just to give you an idea) and maybe 100-1000 comments. Check these on all their posts
Have you tried SocialBakers? They supposedly allow you to search for free. I dunno, never used them, just heard of them.

Also, this article on HubSpot by Caroline Forsey offers The Ultimate List of Instagram Influencers in Every Industry (135 and Counting!)

I don't know what vertical you're looking for but there's a good chance you'll find something.
how can I find in a short time an efficient instagram influencer with a good engagement, who has no fake but real followers so that I can offer him a collaboration for advertising through instagram stories?

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So, finding them is nothing difficult at all. Getting them to associate with you for collaboration is where you will find the most challenge. They are always being hit-up for collaborations. Many of them are so popular they have PR people that manage that aspect of their professional relationships.

You find them by researching the niche they serve. Research Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube as all of them will be utilizing these channels.

Then you have to find the means by which to contact them for professional collaborations and this will likely lead to a person other than the influencer. Remember, most all major influencers are already in collaborations with major brands, so put on your game face and bring your best game!
how can I find in a short time an efficient instagram influencer with a good engagement, who has no fake but real followers so that I can offer him a collaboration for advertising through instagram stories?

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I guess that can be possible by buying the followers data.
how can I find in a short time an efficient instagram influencer with a good engagement, who has no fake but real followers so that I can offer him a collaboration for advertising through instagram stories?

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Check influencer's engagement: live comments and followers. Ask him about screenshots of Instagram Stories with the views. Analyze products which he promotes.
how can I find in a short time an efficient instagram influencer with a good engagement, who has no fake but real followers so that I can offer him a collaboration for advertising through instagram stories?

Thank you for reply!
I believe in organic search of influencers. What I do myself is to head to google and search for influencers as below:
your niche + site :
forexample: sports
this would list the most followed people, the influencers of a specific niche.