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How does social media affect your website?


New Member
Well I am definitely getting a visitor boost by using social media. Basically I am promoting my website in Twitter, Google Plus and Youtube to get more visitors. How does it affect your website?
We use our blog as the center of all our efforts, and we measure the success of our blog and website by the number of new email subscribers we get - all the social media profiles are used in two ways - first as a way for us to provide information to our followers, but the most important part is having our customers engaged with us on each platform.

We focus our strategies on rewarding our current customers and followers for participating - thus sharing our service to their friends, family and co-workers.

Don't get fooled into measuring the number of followers and fans you may have. You only need a small group of dedicated customers to make a good living, so don't try to be everything to everyone.

On the other hand, increasing these 'Vanity Numbers' of number likes, number of views, followers etc., will certainly have a powerful effect when new organic social visitors find your profiles - having a higher number of likes will make new visitors believe you have more trust and recognition from a larger base of people, and thus will feel more safe to do business with you -- perhaps even want to check you out so they are with the 'in' crowd, and do what everyone else is doing.

There are many different ways to approach social media. Some people are doing a lot of it, and making no money. Some people are doing a lot of it, and growing their business faster than they can handle.

It is JUST as much work to do social media the wrong way as to do it the right way.

Good news is, it's easy to do it the right way. Only a few small changes to your approach - and you'll see massive changes in your results. It's a simple, repeatable process. Nothing to do with personality, nothing to do with your looks, and nothing to do with your ability to write.

Anyone can use social media to grow their business. From scratch to a regular income.

Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it is coming from a trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself.
At this time, I would say that Social Media does not have much of an affect on my business. I have received some business from Facebook but not a lot. I have been wanting to launch a Twitter marketing plan.
When I'm really active, I get a lot of traffic from social media.

Currently I'm not nearly as active, though, because I'm busy with other things, and it's definitely made my traffic drop. I still get a trickle from my auto-updates that go out, but it's not the same.

I do still get a bunch of traffic from Pinterest, too, even though I don't actively use it hardly at all any more.
Social media affects my website, along with the correct SEO techniques that I use significantly. Because if people didn't know who you were or waht you offer, you can wave goodbye to your website.

Definitely, your social media account can be your avenue to increase traffic to your website. People are now engaged in social media so it would be a great opportunity to lead them to your website.
Is it worth it though? You say it can increase your traffic but do you think it's worth spending weeks and months building a profile for the amount of traffic you get Vida? Keep in mind that weeks and months of working on your own site instead would have increased natural search traffic too and now that won't happen since you didn't spend the time creating content.
Is it worth it though? You say it can increase your traffic but do you think it's worth spending weeks and months building a profile for the amount of traffic you get Vida? Keep in mind that weeks and months of working on your own site instead would have increased natural search traffic too and now that won't happen since you didn't spend the time creating content.

It's all about balance.

So you should never stop creating content while you're using social networks. It *does* add up, though. And real people can do great things compared to search engines at time. If I had a choice between the exact same amount of traffic, I would take real people any day because they can lead to other things (connections can lead to jobs, sponsorships, them linking to me and boosting my traffic exponentially, etc, etc).
I get 30% of my sales from social media traffic, so I think its definitely worth it. I also get a lot of referrals that convert pretty well from my social media advertising.
I would not say that I have gotten too many visitors from my social media marketing. I would say, though, that my visitors have indeed increased. I love this method of marketing. It does not seem like too much needs to be done.
Social media is where the bulk of my traffic comes from. After social media, videos on YouTube are my next biggest traffic generator. Social media can be a time suck. I use tools to help me manage everything.

I love social media because I don't have to depend on Google for my traffic. I like my traffic to come from multiple sources because if something changes, my traffic won't come to a dead stop.
Pinterest gets me a ton of traffic. Pin a few of your articles on there and they spread like wildfire all on their own. It's crazy how effective Pinterest can be.

There is another website that helps. Not too many people know about it, but it's called

As far as Facebook and Twitter go, I haven't really gained any traction from those sites.
I haven't noticed a big effect, however, Twitter tweets seem to get my websites indexed more quickly but they don't have a direct impact on the page rank. In addition, bookmarking sites are handy to make websites and backlinks index more rapidly.
I haven't really figured out how to optimize Facebook/Twitter/YouTube for my content, but Pinterest is a HUGE traffic driver for me. My site is very image heavy, so Pinterest is really perfect. I've tried to make my blog Pinterest friendly as well - adding obvious "pin it" buttons, putting a latest pinned feature on the sidebar to try and get more Pinterest followers, etc.
I use Facebook which is a great help for my website. The more work I put into posting my website on Facebook, the more views it gets. I have tried Pinterest, but I find it very difficult time consuming. And for me, getting twitter followers takes too much time. But I guess everyone has their favorite and successful social media websites.
Social networks have set off my website up to where it is currently. I always post my articles on Facebook, Twitter and Google plus. The more views the more my website ends up gaining more traffic. However not all of these social networks are quite useful as my website is locally oriented dealing with selling items that are only required locally. Thus I mostly use Facebook as most of my Facebook friends are from my residence.
I consistently use G+, FB, Twiiter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and StumbleUpon. G+ is my overall winner but I'm surprised how good my results are from Pinterest.

My posting to my sites is consistent and I always post a blurb and link to my site postings at G+ and FB which is connected to my Twitter accounts.

Consistency is best for any cross-promotional venue you choose.
Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin are my lifeblood. Before using them, I struggled to get visitors, but now I can see the big difference they've made.