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How do I get my feedburner email feed to display like this


New Member
Hey gang I use feed burner email updates subscription box on my blog, you know so people can subscribe to my content.
After freeking hours of fooling with I cant get it to display like this in my email account: [Copyblogger] Friday Night Links, that's copy bloggers (in case you havent noticed already :p)

What appears is [make money blogging] which is the title of my blog. But it doesnt display the post title from feed burner.
Can someone PLEASE kick me in the head and tell me what the heck I am doing WRONG...
God Im stupid sometimes!!
The way to do it is to use feedblitz not feedburner to deliver your feed.
Just thought I would update it for ya!!
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Hey -- don't feel stupid! This blog/feed world is enough to confuse anyone!! :confused:

Since you're familiar with feedburner, I need to ask something, if you don't mind. Or anyone willing to help someone who is losing hair by the handfuls this morning thanks to feedburner. :mad:

Okay, signed up for it, submitted my blog, got a feed burner link and am clueless what I can do next. I click on "My Account", it takes me back to the log in page. SOmetimese it accepts my log in, sometimes it just pops me right back into the log-in page. This went on for nearly an hour this morning and I got very little accomplished other than I think it's listed in there system now and I did see a feedburner link for my blog but am not even sure just what that means or does for me?? And I was trying to add that little link thingy, forget what they call it, but can find the instructions for that, either.

Basically, friends, I'm freakin' lost in Feedburner and it's driving me batty! Any tips?? Tx! :eek:
Okay, signed up for it, submitted my blog, got a feed burner link and am clueless what I can do next.

No reason for anyone to feel stupid or crazy or batty or {insert emoticon here}. LOL

After you've signed up for FeedBurner, added your feed and received your new feed link, then you need to update your feed link across your blog. That way, when people subscribe to your feed, they're subscribing through your FeedBurner link and that way you can track how many feed subscribers you have.

There's also some other things you can do to customize your feed and increase your traffic with FeedBurner. I'm actually working on a short article/tutorial for FeedBurner newbies. I'll come back and post it when it's online (should only be a day or two).

Hope that helps to get you started.

~ Teli
Hi guys,
I just wanted to pop in and apologize for the delay -- I'm actually out of the office and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon. On this trip, I expected the internet situation to be a little more stable than it actually is, so putting the finishing touches on the book and getting it online has been challenging. I'm going to glue myself to my desk on Saturday and should have the book online by Sunday morning. Just keeping ya'll updated. :)

~ Teli