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How difficult is it to earn money online?


New Member
In my opinion it is not very difficult to earn money online, as long as you the ability to develop, write, design or even animate. This works just like the real world, since you need some education first before being able to work. What do you think?
I don't think so, it doesn't depend on your education, it depend on your mood, do it as a hobby.
you should have to face many problems when you're new to SEO...
Well the micro jobs like article submission, posting and Squidoo lens are the only way to earn online , otherwise PPC and other type of jobs is quite difficult.
It can be difficult to make money online. But you just have to persevere. A fast internet connection will also help a lot and you have to make sure you cover the cost of your internet connection.
Well it depends what you are planning to do to make the money. There are different methods, some are hard, and some are easy. The most important things to make money online is time and money. If you don't have time, you won't beable to finish things easily, or if you don't have money, you won't be able to get things which may benefit your journey to earning money. Another useful thing is interest, if you don't have any in anything, whatever you are doing won't be as good compared to someone who had a interest in doing something.
The potential to make money online is HUGE, it really is, however the likelyhood of making money online is at the same time VERY unlikely, at least not in amounts that will allow you to retire from your day job.

It also gets harder every single day as things that work get shared and duplicated and then duplicated again, and again, and again.
For me, it really depends on how well you can generate ideas. There's a much bigger market for the creative online, and as a writer, this is especially difficult as you always have to be on the cutting edge of new ideas. It's a very challenging process, yes, but it's also a fantastic opportunity to make a bit on the side, and hopefully eventually start earning a living.
The fact that it require skills, it sure would make someone needs to learn few tricks. One skills that I could recommend is to learn to create banners using Photoshop or Gimp. I like earnings through making these things and joining some graphic contest.
It is VERY difficult to earn money online if you don't treat it seriously. Working online is the same kind of business as working offline. You still have to find customers, offer value, keep offering new products and services. If you don't grow, your business won't grow as well. However, once you understand that making money online is all about persistence and providing value, it will get much easier.
It's easy to make money online, the key question is how much? Because you can review search results at Mturk to make ~$2-something an hour. Or you can take surveys and make pennies on the dollar. But if you can find the right opportunity, you could make enough to sustain your household, for example if you work your way up at one of the writer-for-hire places.
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the hardest I'd say it's about a 2 to make some money online and about a 13 to earn a living if you've been at it less than 3 years. People still believe the dream that they can launch a site and become rich but the truth is that 95% of websites will not get much traffic, ever, and that their owners will eventually just quit.
Considering that there are a numerous amount of ways to make money online, it really isn't hard at all. It all depends on how much work you put into it and how dedicated you are to make a substantial amount of money online.
That's just it tweety, it's not hard to make money but trust me it's hard to make a living. $10, $20 or even $100 a month is pretty simple with a little work but $3000.00? You'll have to become popular for that and the majority of sites never become popular.
That's just it tweety, it's not hard to make money but trust me it's hard to make a living. $10, $20 or even $100 a month is pretty simple with a little work but $3000.00? You'll have to become popular for that and the majority of sites never become popular.

I agree. That's why it is not my goal to try and make a living online. I just do it for the extra cash and save it up until I am ready to use it for something significant.
That's just it tweety, it's not hard to make money but trust me it's hard to make a living. $10, $20 or even $100 a month is pretty simple with a little work but $3000.00? You'll have to become popular for that and the majority of sites never become popular.


It's easy to make money online.

It's not easy to make *a lot of* money online. It's not even easy to make a regular income at all. If you just want to pick up some extra cash, though, then sure, that's easy.
It's not that difficult, but it is difficult to make enough money to live off of online, if you don't already have a established website or client list that are interested in services that you can offer. Just like in the real world, you have to learn your job, and be good at it to make money.
Exactly, being an authority is the only really practical way of earning a living online and in some niches even that's not enough. This, of course, is true if you're a content publisher but there are other ways to earn from online sites. If you prove that you are an authority then new doors open and you can become a salaried employee for another company by leveraging your knowledge and experience.

One brick at a time, that's how you build an empire, even if it's no fun to live in until it's completed.
Agreed. In fact I see that it takes a site years to become fully trusted by Google. You need years to build trust with them but an algorithm can take it away overnight, it's a tough time to be a webmaster right now.