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How did you feel when first started SEO?


New Member
Hello. I started doing SEO for four months. I feel very overwhelmed by all the available information and I would really appreciate your advices.
Thank you.
I think my problem has to do with menthorship. I would really apreciate someone I could learn from. And I think I prefer learning face to face, rather than being all the time online.
Here is the trick to success in any business, as long as you have a reasonable concept. Just keep going, you will have good days and bad days, everyone is overwhelmed at first, the ones that succeed are those that just keep going.
I think being a member here is a good start, there is a lot of info on SEO, and also many links to other good info. Like they said above its just alot of time and work to understand it all.
When I started learning SEO, I thought it was really difficult and I would never get the hang of it. It was for techno-geeks who knew way more about programming and HTML code than I ever would. Well, I discovered it's really not all that complicated. It's true, there's a lot to learn, but the basic concepts are simple, and once you immerse yourself in it and start seeing it in action, you realize that anyone can learn the basics well enough to start ranking for your keywords.
I discovered it's really not all that complicated. It's true, there's a lot to learn, but the basic concepts are simple, and once you immerse yourself in it and start seeing it in action, you realize that anyone can learn the basics well enough to start ranking for your keywords.

Exactly. There are those self-styled SEO "experts" who would have you believe otherwise for obvious reasons, but I've said many time SEO is not rocket science. With a little persistence and dedication to reading and learning, you can become your own "expert", or at least far along that road to do most of what you7 need to do and to avoid falling for the many industry swindles.
When I start learning SEO, everything was so strange since I didn't know or heard anything about it before. I was so tired and bored when I had to read so many materials. However, I finally started working with my first site, things tended to interesting. The first time saw my site got PR, that was really a great feeling. Everything was so magical when you realized that you can do many things after hard working time :)
When I first started - I did nothing but read on forums and sites.

After that, I did something that would help me...three words:

Test, Test, Test!
At my first time doing this SEO, I really don't have idea on doing this, but then my friend advice me to read articles or join in a forum so I could learn many things about SEO.
I have started studying SEO more than a year ago and I felt very lost when I heard about on and offpage optimization and similar things, but since than many things changed. :)
SEO is trial and error. What works from one person could be completely different for another. You have to just find out what works for you and run with it
When I first started SEO, it's very hard for me because I don't know everything about it.. Then there was a mini-SEO contest in our school and then I join.. I only did the basics that was taught by my teacher which is "social bookmarking, directory submission, and blog commenting". Two months of optimisation and I am so glad that I won.. I felt very happy and then I learned a lot on that contest and I am exploring until today..
The core of SEO is quality content should be king, ignore some of the blackhat spam methods for a second and focus on the basics. Is your website really helping a potential web searcher that searches a specific keyword?
Just like everyone else I had sooo many bad days starting SEO but after a lot of reading, asking and trying things out all went well. I think if you have no time reading forums and other blogs then you will not be a good SEO since SEO is not an exact science and search engine's algorithm change very fast.
What's your rush? Learn to be patient and plan for the long haul, not a get-rich-quick shoert-term.

Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare?