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Buying Traffic Hottest Mobile CPA Offers

Lucian SC

New Member
BitterStrawberry's Hottest Campaigns this week:

Adult PL 3G T-Mobile iD: 163852 (2 click flow @0.65$ PO)
Fitness ZA 3G CellC iD: 170267 (2 click flow @1.16$ PO)
Hotprime ZA 3G CellC iD: 153031 (2 click flow @1.39$ PO)
Adult V1 ZA 3G Vodafone iD: 163917 (1 click flow @1.39$ PO)
Games NL 3G T-Mobile iD: 161252 (1 click flow @4.63$ PO)
Games 2 NL 3G Vodafone, T-Mobile iD: 171192 (1 click flow @5.35$ PO)
Adult 6 GB 3G Vodafone, O2 iD: 166759 (2 click flow @3.92$ PO)
Games AT 3G A1 Telekom, A1 Mobilkom iD: 168152 (1 click flow @3.71$ PO)
Vsale VN 3G Mobifone iD: 164599 (1 click flow @0.12$ PO)
Toing SV 3G Digicel iD: 148905 (1 click flow @0.37$ PO)
Global Fun PA 3G Digicel iD: 146059 (1 click flow @0.37$ PO)
Mama's Kitchen IQ 3G KKTCell iD: 170119 (1 click flow @0.46$ PO)

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