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Holiday Traditions?


Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
Lead Barons Media
Hey :ninja:'s !

As the Holiday Seasons and New Years are nearing, I was wondering what type of traditions you participate in with friends or family during the Holidays.

With me, my family will usually all get together and we hang out on Christmas Eve for dinner and then we hang out all day on Christmas day. For New Years we usually go out and try to have a few drinks and stay up until after 12 to bring on the new year!!

What about you guys???
Christmas day I'll be spending with my family and girlfriend. Boxing day the same!

For New Years I'm going up to London to see the fireworks with my girlfriend, first time I've been.. heard it gets really busy though
Food, family, travel, and my favorite herb :cool: and of course and eggnog or two.

Happy Holidays to All You "FIXER'S" :ninja: I hope these holidays and the new year bring us all the greatest of times and our highest earnings ever!