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New Member
Can we hide our site from Google or any search engine?
I mean, i want to make the site is for private use, and my site can't be searched by anyone.
yes you can, I can't remember the coding but there is a way to tell the search engines to stop spiders indexing the pages. I have used it before. If it does not work anymore then try to limit as many links you use to the site to keep a low ranking possible.
Just use your Robots.txt to disallow all bots/spiders.

And if you are using WP check the radio button in setting where it says do not make this blog visible to search engines.

That should do the trick.

there is two ways to do it:
- disallow by robots.txt file
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
- require password to view page (similar to private forum)
if you want to block whole site use

- disallow by robots.txt file from root.

or if you want to block pages or directory

// Directory
User-agent: *
Disallow: /bin

// agents
User-agent: TrovitBot
Disallow: /

// Page
Disallow: /pageview.php