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“Adavice”/  “1Win



New Member

I'm from the UK and in my 40s. Currently self employed in a 9-5 role job but exploring other options to get more time - important as we get older!

Being self employed, I'm aware that there is no such thing as overnight success and see this as a long term project before I can 'replace' my main income (long time being 2 to 3 years)

What would be helpful, is if someone could offer advice on how many hours a week I should devote to this and a structured way of working i.e. learn this first, then this, etc.

I should stress, I'm not looking for a short-cut - just a logical road map to get from where I am now - newbie - to being at a level where I can make an income.

Thank you


Question threads here pls:

I would start by learning the terminology

Then learning the product's buyer behaviors, then how to create a funnel toward converting a ad viewer or a website (or other) viewer into a CPA event that will earn you money.
There are some generalities and common threads to doing this, but the actual steps are usually specific to the offer itself.

The 'pain points' of a tennis shoe and the 'pain points' of a web server subscription are very, very different --as an extreme example.
Well it cannot say as it depends on so many factors ,i would advice you to keep your job amd learn amd work in your free time and when you replace your income from your real job then you can quit your job .I would go to youtube and search for this channels : franklyn hatchet ,incognito money ,wisdom speaks .In this channel you will fimd great methods to make money on affiliate marketing step by step
Welcome to AffiliateFix!

Read and learn through extensive reading in this community. Select one vertical. one tracker, and one traffic source. Learn from your fellow members here to master each one of them (a couple of months). Then you can expand and replicate your successes.

As a Newbie, you need to read, study, invest, and implement. Perseverance, dedication, and taking action are the cornerstones of the success you will obtain.

Read through the various areas of the forum to learn about the types of marketing available for your new business. Make a list of all the types of marketing and take some notes along the way. Then determine which area of marketing with which you will start your journey.

Do this to select an area of marketing to start, as well, do this to select a tracker, a traffic source, and to select a vertical.

Then read up on the affiliate networks and select two to begin with that will serve your needs and the types of offers you would like to promote. Put your application in and they will call you for an interview. Be professional and be prepared to answer some questions about how you will promote offers, do you have a website, are you a Newbie, etc. Please note, if you join the Dojo, we have a thread there that can offer assistance in getting accepted to some of the networks.

Now that you have selected a basis to begin, read all of the threads in this forum that relate to your initial selections so that you have a rudimentary understanding of their features and benefits.

You will require some investment. A VPS server, domains, traffic, landing pages, etc. You will need a budget for daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. This will change over time and you will need to update it often so that you know exactly what your costs and earnings are.

This is where it all starts to earn. You must now begin to implement what you have established as your foundation for your business.

Here is some advice and guidance that will help you establish your initial goals:

Make sure you complete the following first.

Every business needs:

1. a plan
2. a schedule for research, learning, and execution
3. a budget.

Remember to read through our WIKI and get to know the basics as well as some of the buzz words in the industry.

I also recommend reading the following thread:

As a Newbie, What Stops You From Getting Started

Here is a set of immediate goals:

1. Get a VPS
2. Select a vertical
3. Select a tracker
4. Select a couple of networks and get your approval
5. Select a traffic source
6. Create a schedule for researching, learning (training), and working. This is a business, treat it as such!
7. Create a budget for every expense (daily, weekly, monthly)
8. Be very active in this forum by researching, asking questions, helping others when you are able.

Remember This! : Nothing has to be perfect before you start. Read & study, but invest and implement at the same time. You cannot learn all of it from reading and studying. A great deal of your learning comes from implementing!
Well it cannot say as it depends on so many factors ,i would advice you to keep your job amd learn amd work in your free time and when you replace your income from your real job then you can quit your job .I would go to youtube and search for this channels : franklyn hatchet ,incognito money ,wisdom speaks .In this channel you will fimd great methods to make money on affiliate marketing step by step
words from the wise man Clapping