Hello AffiliateFix forums - I'm a new user who just discovered this website today.
My name is a Joe and I'm a Full Stack Developer / Technical Manager from the Baltimore MD area. Been building web applications for 15+ years now and recently have gotten into managing teams of Devops Engineers and working with HashiCorp Terraform / Vault for a consulting agency.
In my free time, I built a tool that I believe can help affiliate marketers create smart short URLs that I recently launched. I won't get into that any more since I'm a new member and that's against the rules. But I'm here to see how this tool can potentially help this community and affiliate marketers as a whole, learn about the needs of this community and marketers, and hopefully in the future tell some folks about it (if allowed). Would also love to contribute with my programming / devops skills and advise whenever I can.
Nice to meet everyone
My name is a Joe and I'm a Full Stack Developer / Technical Manager from the Baltimore MD area. Been building web applications for 15+ years now and recently have gotten into managing teams of Devops Engineers and working with HashiCorp Terraform / Vault for a consulting agency.
In my free time, I built a tool that I believe can help affiliate marketers create smart short URLs that I recently launched. I won't get into that any more since I'm a new member and that's against the rules. But I'm here to see how this tool can potentially help this community and affiliate marketers as a whole, learn about the needs of this community and marketers, and hopefully in the future tell some folks about it (if allowed). Would also love to contribute with my programming / devops skills and advise whenever I can.
Nice to meet everyone