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Google Danced at last

"I've seen a steady increase in traffic. I know that last month I got just under 30,000 page hits, a lot due to google all over the site. That was 3 times more traffic than the previous month.

This month I'm on target to get the same amount or slightly more hits, may even hit 40,000. I got a few new members too and some are regular posters so it's been good so far."

"As for getting visitors in 3 months proving there is no sandbox, I think "Put brain into Gear before uttering fact" is a good motto. Your site does not appear in the top 1000 (yes that is thousand) on Google for what is potentialy your most productive Search Phrase "family support forum". I did not check other terms.

I would guess that if you check your server logs, you will find virtualy ZERO referals for your prefered search terms. Looking at your HTML code reveals many reasons why this is. "

ok most of this thread just went over my head but forgive me if i ask some n00bish questions..!

how long roughly before google "dances" again..? is there anyway of telling or is it just random..?

also when you guys talk about links to your site does the link have to be in a certain format or will ANY link from one site to another do? e.g. if i post on a forum and have a picture in my signature and the picture is clickable with a link to another site will that link count towards boosting the PR of the site..?

"how long roughly before google "dances" again..?"

No one knows. Also, the, "Google Dance" is not and official, "Happening" and in no way came from the mouths of Google reps. It’s just SEO mumbo jumbo. Back when all the, “Gurus†were saying it happened every 90 days, they about fainted when, last month, as it so called, “Didn’t happenâ€ÂÂ. :roll:

SEO can be confusing to someone just starting out. Most things, for me at least, are a bit tough when first starting out (My Dreamweaver debacle for instance). The thing about SEO, which makes it so confusing, is there are soooooooooooooooo many different opinions/theories.

Build a site with your visitors in mind. Build relationships with those in your industry (AKA get links, which are directly related to your niche'). Keep building new pages/sites daily. Yahoos, MSN, Lycos, Hotbot, Google, etc. will eventually find you. Yes, there are ways to have a new page/site show ups in the SERP's in less than a week, but I like to think long-term for the main, "body" of my sites.

Build a solid foundation.

Here are couple excellent resources for SEO: – Won’t be tough to figure out who I am, over there. You’ll find many different thoughts/theories from many different people.

Searchengineforums – Same as above, but I haven’t posted there since Jim died.

If you stay at this long enough, you’ll find your own SEO style through trial and error. The ALGOS are constantly changing, so if you take SEO advice on what’s working now, by the time you get it figured out, it will surely change. So don't buy anything or hire a SEO service, IMHO.

Once you find a system that starts working, IMHO, don’t write an e-book or open up shop as a, “SEO GuruÀÂÂ. Start building and building and building and building. Before long, you’ll have an empire.

Lastly, try to keep your Google toolbar uninstalled for at least 2 hours per day. :blue:

Best of Luck to You!

Thanks Paul, that's cleared somethings up. Still a bit confused about the links business though...

About the links. Again, turn off your toolbar...

Think about the search terms, which pertain to your site. Type them into Yahoo, Google, etc., find who's in the top 20. Now, after seeing what your competition is doing, do a who-is search for those in the top 20. Pick up your phone and kindly ask for a link. Tell them, "I need your help".

If you wish to do this via e-mail, so be it.

Good Luck To You!
