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Get off the DIME! How to Get Started in Affiliate Marketing

I'm a Newbie!!

Just wanted to thank you for the info. I'm new to this and am very overwhelmed at this point. I'm trying to find some direction. I've put up a simple site already and I've also got invovled in a few programs already. It seems to me that anyone who even remotely sounds like they want to offer help are just trying to get you to join their programs so it's hard to trust anyone. Anyway thanks again for the info
That's DEFINITELY true. Don't spend a DIME until you've done a lot of least a month's worth.

Then pick a path and stick with it. That's where most people fall down.
Thanks Guys

I am learning a lot, so for affiliate i need one website, so i book a domain and hosting... i need more resources hot to start and where to start..

I think u all are fine to help me..

Thanks alot....
Hey Y'all,
I'm new to this forum and to affiliate marketing. I am fortunate in that I can put together a half decent website. Ive found a couple of products on clickbank but so far no luck for 3 weeks. Are thay the only game in town? I like the post about staying focused - big problem for me. I have 2 marketing sites up and both need work. I'll focus on one at a time until each is right. Keep the advice coming and thanks a lot.
Stick with it, focus

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on who you are ) focus is key. Really try and maximize traffic to one of your sites, and if possible use that to try and promote your other. However, neither will succeed if spread your attention too thin over too many projects. Once you get it down, multitasking will be not only easier, but more successful. Most of all, good luck!
I couldn't put up a website worth a darn. I understood all the concepts about SEO, getting traffic, PPC, affiliate marketing, etc. but I could not for the life of me create a website or blog and attach it to the webhost. Just could not.

I came to realize that I needed a designer to help me, and I got one that did. My site is up and running, and I paid another specialist to get me some traffic. I'm getting some traffic now.

I agree it takes patience, but part of growing in a business is learning from your mistakes, finding your strengths and weaknesses and working around them. If you believe that crap about the SECRET and wishing your way to riches, then what on earth are you doing trying to open a business? You should be meditating now.

Remember that Thomas Edison said that success was 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, but if something aint working, don't repeat it. Get creative and find other ways or relent to the fact that you need a little help.
The best way to start in affiliate marketing is to just do that. Start, take action, put up that website. It does not need to be perfect before you put it up. The honest truth is it never really is. You will be constantly tweaking this and tuning that for as long as your website is up

I can't agree more with that, you don't have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

I think the way for you to start a new affiliate program, you can receive the experience from others who are arleady succeed and model them. They will definitely save you som time for making mistakes along the way.

Is it better to have a website or a blog type website to promote affiliates?
And should we stick with 2 or 3 affiliates ? Is there any kind of pattern to this?
There are many ways to get Started.....pick one and do it!

I love reading this forum.....I have picked up some wonderful ideas and even more great information. Beginning any new project is always difficult until you get started.....I don't think there is anything wrong with e-books, I have found quite a few that are really FREE, I don't know if I can mention which ones and where they are found but I will be happy to share after hearing it is ok.
Denise P
Hi Denise, sure sharing helpful resources or ebooks is fine as long as they aren't ones you have a vested interest in. Name only please, no links. People can Google to find them.
Website building

I've been trying to do some research on affiliate marketing, but there are so many scams out there it's tough to weed through all the hype. Today I ran across a site called Wealthy Affiliates. I searched for the usual negative feedback, but found very little. If I'm a newbie trying to get started, is this a good site to begin with? I have very little computer experience and the thought of trying to create a website intimidates me. I guess I'm wanting it perfect the first time. Lol. Has anyone tried this site? Should I try going out on my own first?
I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I joined them in June of last year. They have many resources and a lot of people in their forum who are highly successful marketers. Recently they came out with two "accreditation courses" one for pay per click marketing and one for article marketing. They also have an 8 week action plan with mini courses. They also have a "jobs" section where you can post to sell your expertise, service, etc. They have a new thing called "Niche Q" which is absolutely invaluable as well. They have free webhosting and a website creation program too. I love that site, the only thing I don't love is not being able to spend more time there and soak up all that info. One member, Ryan Moran has a site call "The Affiliate God" where he offers a free four week affiliate marketing training course. I am doing it myself, and I would definitely recommend it. He has a series of videos. This kid is 19 and is already making over $500,000 a year. Amazing.
Thumbs up Linda.

I really liked your post and article as well. I think sometimes it's upto us to choose how we want things to go but very often we end up making things more complicated.

Thanks a lot Linda. Awesome post.
Hey Linda, I have read at many places that to be sucessful at affiliate a website is not needed.

There are many different ways to promote and that is through squidoo lens, article marketing , ppc etc . I dont have a web myself but currently have started article writing and squidoo to promote.

I mean you can view squidoo as a web right?

Do i need a web because you said its one of the first steps.
To do it RIGHT, IMO, having your own site is important and one of the 1st steps. However there are many ways to get started and some of the ways are squidoo lenses, article marketing, ppc, etc.

You could consider Squidoo as a web site, but it's not yours. You don?t own it and they can take down all your hard work if they decide you are not playing by their rules. Plus why would you want to do all the work to drive traffic and drive it to someone else's site instead of building traffic to your own.

Starting free with Squidoo and article marketing, is just that - a way to get STARTED. I don't see someone being able to get too far only doing that, but like I said it is one way to start.