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FBI Warns DNSChanger Malware Problem Monday - Ck your PC Here

Linda Buquet

New Member
Be sure to check your computer with the tool below to be sure you are not infected because if you are infected you will lose Internet connection on Monday.

Note: I've been trying to get through but the test site keeps timing out so must be really busy. After try #7 I got through and my PC is fine.

<a href="">FBI Warns DNSChanger Malware Will Create Havoc on Monday</a>

On Monday morning, approximately 300,000 computers will lose Internet connectivity due to the DNSChanger malware. The DNSChanger malware, which manipulated DNS settings to replace good DNS servers with rogue servers, redirected unknowing users to webpages filled with advertisements in order to generate illegal profits. Prior to being arrested by the FBI in November of 2011, the six Estonian hackers behind DNSChanger netted over $14 million!