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facebook optimize help


New Member
hello i run this compaigne 3 days and this is the result


how i will optimized this ?
what i will kill and what i will let work
You first need to know what is going on with your current campaigns. After identifying the root cause to the declines here and there, you can be able to make a counter plan for these. usually, It is normal for you to have fluctuations on the start but it should not be a trend to work by. Time to go back to the drawing board.
Yep, this is at least part of the issue.

Yeah, this is a good question. I've done better with the NewsFeed, and if @milan02 is doing mobile at all, there is only mobile NewsFeed (no mobile sidebar).
no this is not a mobile offer this offer is for desktop game and i split test between news feed and sidebar and the side bar get 10 click news feed 0 clicks
no this is not a mobile offer this offer is for desktop game and i split test between news feed and sidebar and the side bar get 10 click news feed 0 clicks

Did you research the offer?

You have to get a tracker, otherwise you have no idea where the problem is.