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Facebook Ads - tips to boost your campaign!


Well-Known Member
Facebook Ads is a powerful tool to reach a high-quality audience – one that’s deeply related to the product you’re advertising. In addition, Facebook has over 1 billion active users accessing the platform through mobile on a monthly basis!

This basically means Facebook is simply amazing for affiliates who wanna promote offers within that range of products.

We want to make sure that you do the maximum possible for your campaigns to be always green, and therefore decided to share some tips, that can help you!

[Disclaimer: This post was originally published on mobidea Academy. All the missing information can be found in the full version. ]

Tip #1. Be smart about where to promote (high ROI segments)

We’ll always be aiming towards getting the best return on investment we can (ROI), by running offers in countries with a low CPM (or CPC, for that matter) but which showcase a high Revenue per Mile (visits) rate.

In other words: the least we can invest, for the most we can generate.

However, there are some countries where we must invest more in order to get amazing results.Therefore we have gathered the Data from Facebook Ads reach estimates and Mobidea RPM's from March 2017, to share with you:

With these countries sorted by traffic cost and reach, for a daily budget of 20 euros, you can see that in some cases the RPM's of the offers for a given country largely surpass the cost. These are the golden mines!

Tip 2. Know the tools you can use

Audience Insights
: this is the most important tool you need to help you work your niche on Facebook! Indeed, it’s one of the best Facebook Ads tips we can give you!
There, you can search and select Fan Pages, Profiles and interests related to your niche.

Get a grip on how many out there fit your ad and then smash it like a pro.


Creative Hub: nice to use when you wanna get inspired and explore different types of ad sets available.


Power Editor: use it to create your posts and analyze data. Know your costs, reach, impressions, clicks, CPM, CPC, CTR. Basically, everything that you can squeeze will help you make it bigger and better.


3. Learn about the best campaign types to run

This is one of the most important tips for Facebook Ads so pay attention!
Facebook gives you a wide range of campaign types to select from. We’ll give you two types to focus on.

We are sure they’ll generate awesome interaction at a lower cost.

Traffic – also known as the “Website Clicks” campaign. It’s meant to bring users to your landing pages. Tip: you can optimize the cost by paying on a CPC basis.

Engagement – “Get more people to see and engage with your post or Page. Engagement can include comments, shares, likes, event responses and offer claims.”

Make sure you use relevant text and images for both these types.

Even the use of videos will increase your relevance score and interaction, while giving you more impressions at a lower CPC/CPM.

Tip: before launching your campaign, always make sure that you’re following Facebook’s Policies.

Pay special attention to the ads section.

Get to know how to set the detailed targeting, increase your reach while lowering the costs and test your advertising sets in the original version of this article on Mobidea Academy!
Great tut, @Mobidea - thanks!

Love that you mentioned (and linked to) familiarizing yourself with their TOS to stay compliant. We sometimes get newbies who don't read them then want to know why they got banned. :)
Well this is one of the best Facebook Ads campaign summary that I check out for long time.
I always frequent the audience interest tool as I can better target my campaigns to my audience and even find some hidden gems in terms of pages I can market too.
This its very good training and some insights about facebook ads and its very helpful for me thank you
Facebook ads are the most effective advertisement platforms these days.

Follow a few basic rules to boost your campaigns on Facebook
  • Firstly, split you’re ad in different categories.
  • Try different variations for the same ad.
  • Maximize targeting and Narrow your audience and set your budget
  • Among the variations pro-boost the post which works well.
  • Always know what is the relevant time to post
i am always struggling with fb ads ... in aug i had some success spent $5 and made around $240 on a click bank product ... after that i lost my ad account within 3 months i have lost 4 ad account .. recently i ran a iphonex offer from maxbounty but had no success ..

any tips for me
i am always struggling with fb ads ... in aug i had some success spent $5 and made around $240 on a click bank product ... after that i lost my ad account within 3 months i have lost 4 ad account .. recently i ran a iphonex offer from maxbounty but had no success ..

any tips for me

It seems like the main problem right now for you is that your accounts are being blocked. Check again all the rules of Facebook, and make sure you are running your ads not from the newly created accounts. It's getting more and more complicated, and you are not the only one struggling.

Do you consider working with other social media platforms? Check and example here: The 5 Best Alternatives to Facebook Ads | Affiliate Marketing Training & Blog | Mobidea Academy
That is an amazing explenation.
I have two things, that I will be very happy to understand.

1) This country list, is the best countries to drive traffic from with Facebook Ads?

2) Do you suggets to build a landing page to an offer or to drive the traffic directly to the offer site can work great as well?
If you suggest LP, I still did't figurout, which will be the best platform to use, or maybe just to do it with wordpress?
Any way, if I have a LP for a certain offer, and that's not works, what I should do, to chose other offer and to rearange the LP that I built?

Thanks @Mobidea
Hey there!

1) This country list, is the best countries to drive traffic from with Facebook Ads?
No, this list was generated in March 2017, and many things have changed since then. In order to know the TOP countries ATM you should contact your Account Manager, or Mobidea Support Crew, OR to check our Opportunities page on your Mobidea account! It's really transparent, you can see the overall stats for the whole network, and according to the numbers decide what's better to run.

2) Do you suggets to build a landing page to an offer or to drive the traffic directly to the offer site can work great as well?
If you suggest LP, I still did't figurout, which will be the best platform to use, or maybe just to do it with wordpress?
Any way, if I have a LP for a certain offer, and that's not works, what I should do, to chose other offer and to rearange the LP that I built?

Most of the offers require an LP, maybe expect for Pin Submits. A good lander is always a plus. What most of affiliates do - rip the lander from a spy tool (like Adplexity), rearrange the code, adjust the look and set it for tests. This article might help you!
Do you have Moldova CPM average?

Please, contact our Support Crew, they will be happy to help! You can do it by email ( or directly in the live chat right in your Mobidea account.

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Hi, I can suggest you some way to get more traffic like your competitors. So, if you want to boost your Facebook ads. You have followed or you can say like you have to spy your competitors facebook campaign.