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DP Forum now PR6

I don't mind it at all. I have two infractions so far and I hardly think that I deserved them. Otherwise I'm happy that this forum gained PR5:D
The moderators at DP are crazy, that has been my experience too, I think they will eventually kill the forum if the keep annoying good people like you (and me :)

Anyway, yes, I am happy I found the time to get this forum running again, I abandoned it for about 2 years because I was very busy but now I am on to making it a significant forum with help of good people like you of course :)
DP seem to have dropped from PR7 to PR6

Yes , I`ve noticed that too.
I don't mind it at all. I have two infractions so far and I hardly think that I deserved them.

Happened to me too , the mods from DP are giving infractions for almost nothing , even if your post is too short ( even though you got the point for the reply ) . Anyway I try to keep myself at a "low profile" on the forum and post just when I think it`s necessary.
Anyway, yes, I am happy I found the time to get this forum running again, I abandoned it for about 2 years because I was very busy but now I am on to making it a significant forum with help of good people like you of course :)

Oh yes ! the forum is growing each day and we have a nice online community here - I see a bright future for the forum :D
Temi I will try to do my best, for support this board, since I really like it. It's very friendly, full of skilled people:D
I actually can't stand DP. It's great to have a big forum. But some forums are just too big. And than they enforce rigorous rules. And that's when I start avoiding forums.

I guess I have a professional disfunction -- I can't follow rigorous forum rules if I'm not the one making them. :D
I have been at DP since Shawn started it. Initially it was great, then you got the spammers hitting it, then the rep mongers who just bolster each others reps via the rep club. Finally now you have the scammers there. People who are coming in and trying to scam others constantly. Another problem is that there are a lot of wannabe web marketers (from India mostly) who simply do not have a clue, but are trying to post as if they have expert knowledge. I have lost count of the times posts I have made on DP have ended up as someones article under some name or other that is not mine!

The moderating at Dp is patchy to say the least, but they have to deal with so much crap that they take no prisoners any longer. If it appears that 2 people are chatting in a thread, and they are using the same IP then they will be infracted. If 2 people from the same Ip give I trader rep to each other, you will likely both get banned, same for normal rep. if you are on the same IP then expect to get burned.

I know it is harsh, but that is how it is. If people don't like it then they can get their kicks elsewhere (which many do). :)
there are lots of crap at forum that is true, using sledge hammer to crack a nut is not the solution though, there are busier forums that are better moderated which you may not like their policy and get you kick else where but you still have lots of respects for what is going on there, Webmaster World for example, when I used to post there lots of things I did wrong, the moderators are usually diplomatic, tell you nicely not the combative aggressive and sometime humiliating way they seem to do at DP.
So whilst I agree with you that all those crap that goes on there should be stopped, I disagree about the methods employed like this so called IP things, what if you work for the same organisation? Some organisations use a proxy server so if you work for BT at London for example and another person BT staff who do not know each other but access the net via one proxy server are automatically deemed to be in league, though they may not even know one another.