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DEFINITELY Noobie Question

King Conga

Active Member
Hello All,

I wish to fall on your grace and mercy in any advice for this question. It may be easy, and/or silly, but I need answers nonetheless.

I'm quickly approaching the familiar point where I've been 3-4 times before where the technology itself, as well as how fast it changes begins to overwhelm me so I feel like I'm drowning in the middle of the Pacific. So, here's my question.

Is there anywhere where I can find a detailed list of all the steps to get an affiliate blog up and working. The reason I'm asking is so I can keep myself disciplined on the task at hand so my ADHD doesn't take over and I lose focus. It's like I'll be working on one particular step, then I'll see an article or whatever on how to do something else 10Xs better, or faster.

If you can help me with this you have no idea how much I would appreciate it. I SOO want AND NEED to be successful at affiliate marketing.

Thanks in advance,
Hi, I am unable to post links because I haven't posted enough on this forum yet but go on YouTube and search
"How To Make a WordPress Website - 2019 - For Beginners"
I watched this some months back and it helped me massively with setting up a Wordpress site (it was just for practice.)
I also HIGHLY recommend you searching up "Miles Beckler" on YouTube, the info he gives out for free is SO GOOD it's the kind of info people usually pay $$$ to access.

I definetly recommend making a website in Wordpress, it's free too! MOST websites on the internet are made with Wordpress, it's so powerful!

ALSO there are websites out there that work as selling platforms for web developers to sell their websites; you're able to buy ready made affiliate sites for not even that much money. :)
Is there anywhere where I can find a detailed list of all the steps to get an affiliate blog up and working.

There are thousands of us here that can guide you, but you need to provide details. Also, have you searched this community for threads and topics that can guide you? After all, there are over 96k threads & over 500k posts.

So, first off, do you have a VPS? Afterall, you need a place to put the blog.

When you say "affiliate blog", what do you mean?

Asking for a "detailed list" for an affiliate blog is like asking someone to catch a fart in a windstorm and the asking them to detail the means by which they caught it.

You really need to be specific about what you know, what you don't know. What your skills are and what they are not. What you plan to do on the blog, like, what niche, what traffic sources, plans to monetize, and the list goes on....

Tell us you goals here, what tools you have or plan to use, what's your budget like, etc.....

I SOO want AND NEED to be successful at affiliate marketing.

Well, you are taking the steps, just keep moving towards your goal and you WILL get there.
I also recommend YouTube, I found some guys who go by Income School. They do have a paid school, but the free stuff they've put on YouTube the last few years is tons of info. All they do is basically create wordpress blog sites with affiliate links. It's a good free starting point if anything.
The is no company handbook in this business.
You can read tutorials but most have ulterior motives -- to sell you domain names, hosting, software.
SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design you can buy sitepoint premium to acquire some new skills ...
Amazon kindle has all kinds of books on these subjects -- many free or relatively inexpensive.

Most of the stuff found on the web contains useful pieces and a lot of fluff and outright marketing referrals <<<ulterior motives.

You can get a good starting foundation for a few hundred dollars in books and a server account to practice with then invest a few months to a year hard time learning.

Once you have the basics you can sort out the content you find on the web and be in a position to appraise the validity, or the possibilities, of what is said and not get trapped in the bullshit.
I also recommend YouTube, I found some guys who go by Income School. They do have a paid school, but the free stuff they've put on YouTube the last few years is tons of info. All they do is basically create wordpress blog sites with affiliate links. It's a good free starting point if anything.

Except their instructions for sites require a pile of writing. That's great, that's what content marketers do. However, the OP has not demonstrated his willingness to write more than 10k words a week for his niche site.

That's why I asked the questions above. In order to guide the OP to success, he needs to learn to research, write, and ask for help from his fellow members.

This forum has all of the answers these guys selling a course have. All someone has to do is use the search feature here and ask loads of questions with new threads while building the site, setting up SEO, and learning to use paid traffic.