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Chuck Norris does my head in - thinks hes the boy but just talks shit and earns fuck all lol

who else?
^rofl you 2 used to JV didnt you?

and now those 2 JV lol!

hes helped me in the past but eh!
i think isozpt is a bloody racist.....he is a scammer and he thinks he is a billionaire at cpalead.......he is just a bloody asshole looser and the biggest motherfucka who always keeps on begging and begging and begging for traffic.
And who is this guy that pops up out of nowhere to say such cap?
Everyone in here has been on CPALead for just enough long to know that I'm not any of those words you just mentioned.
Like I said earlier go back to the hole you came from.
I understand you're jealous little one.
Also asking is not begging.
I just get annoyed at people that are making money and feel the need to brag about it and make other publishers feel bad. If you are making good money that's great but there is no need to talk crap to others.
Script spammers annoy the piss out of me, selling their bloody scripts all day in chat. If it worked so well, why would they be selling it?