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CPA Affiliate marketing - Dreamjob ✓ time to get my hands dirty and make it work ^_^


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Hi all, my name is Jim and eagerness and dedication are my bread and butter, so if you've got any trips/tricks about the business I'll be your highly appreciative information sponge, thank you!

CPA/Affiliate is not a job-job it's an adventure :D Or should I say Venture?
Anyway, listen and learn but you have to learn to filter out the noise ;)
What part of the business? After all, it is soooooooooooooo BIG.

Sharp, haha... many of my questions will be quite general and will come up in the top searches when I Google them. And the total amount of quetions would also be waaaaay too many, as I am basically looking for a 101 guide how to gain a steady income with CPA Affiliate Marketing, focused on the Adult vertical... starting from scratch.

I guess the best idea is to just start setting out the general lines: search affiliate platforms, get offers for your niche, subscribe at a tracking platform and get it working, start media buying and finally use all that Data to optimize your campaigns and eventually make them run profitable.

Do I miss a thing here?
looking for a 101 guide how to gain a steady income with CPA Affiliate Marketing, focused on the Adult vertical... starting from scratch.

William Souza has a great discounted coaching program that has helped hundreds of our members earn with CPA. Both desktop and mobile.

the best idea is to just start setting out the general lines: search affiliate platforms, get offers for your niche, subscribe at a tracking platform and get it working, start media buying and finally use all that Data to optimize your campaigns and eventually make them run profitable.

This is correct! You should consider an intelligence platform like AdPlexity as well. This can most definitely help you fast track your endeavors.

I always recommend building out your plan for your focused endeavor. This way you'll have a checklist. In this business, it is vital to have these lists, you will accomplish more with fewer distractions.

If you get the necessary tools, use quality traffic sources, understand you will be investing before earning, and follow instructions well, there is every reason to believe you'll have yourself a stable business model reliably earning daily within a month to 3 months, depending on your budget, investment of time, how much you implement, and what your learning curve is like.

You have the basics, make a plan and follow it, take action daily, be active in the community, ask loads of questions, and you'll have it together and working in no time at all.
Thanks for the advice!

This is correct! You should consider an intelligence platform like AdPlexity as well. This can most definitely help you fast track your endeavors.

I did some research on AdPlexity, however, Newbie question incoming, I can't seem to find a detailed explanation on how they actually track the traffic sources, conversions rates, affiliate platforms, etc... Wouldn't they need acces to the databases of the offers & sources? Or atleast have to place a tracker on sites to get all this information?

You have the basics, make a plan and follow it, take action daily, be active in the community, ask loads of questions, and you'll have it together and working in no time at all.

Got my Voluum onboarding tomorrow, so I guess from there on I can really start to 'crush numbers' to get profitable campaigns up and running.
Hello and welcome to AffiliateFix!

Love how eager you are to dive in, learn and take action!

Anytime you have a question, need help, or want to share some good information, just start a thread to let us know.

Enjoy the forums! :)